Tuesday, March 20, 2012

VFT book review: Faith Unfeigned

The Valiant for Truth blog has recently put up my book review of Faith Unfeigned, which is a collection of four sermons by the Reformed John Calvin. An excerpt:

The 500th birthday of John Calvin (AD 1509-1564) has passed. Recently, the Banner of Truth Trust has re-published a new translation of a work by John Calvin comprising four of his sermons reworked for publication, an exposition of Psalm 87, and three letters from John Calvin on the necessity of an open and sincere profession of faith (p. ix). This theme of an unfeigned faith, its honest confession evident through practice, is one that permeates all of the texts in this re-published work.



Charlie J. Ray said...

"Reworked for publication..." Don't you mean revised and edited to fit with modern neo-Calvinist views? Banner of Truth is a misnomer. Their "reworking" of A.W. Pink's book, The Sovereignty of God, was basically revisionism.

Daniel C said...


unless you can produce evidence that they have compromised the sermons, you are committing the genetic fallacy