Here are the latest blog rules.
1) No vulgarities, sexual or other forms of innuendo, character assasination or threats allowed. Civilized discourse please.
2) Trolling is not allowed. Spamming too.
3) Comment must be related to post . If it doesn't, I will reserve the right not to approve it. Comments are moderated and those on the banned list will not be published. If you have any questions/ feedback not related whatsoever to the posts, email me.
4) Commenting is meant to foster actual conversation. Therefore, everyone who wish to comment must identify themselves. Limiting it to registered used helps to reduce potential spammers, but those who register anonymously just for commenting might quality as unidentified users and have their comments removed also.
5) Anyone who persistently refuses to interact with the points raised to his objection may have his subsequent comments deleted.
Any violation of these rules would make the comment liable to deletion and the poster to being banned. The blog owner's decision is final.