Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some book reviews

Here are some book reviews that I have done on the books I have recently finished.

Called to the Ministry by Edmund P. Clowney (Review here)

Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray (Review here)

The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment by Tim Challies (Review here)

All of these books are highly recommended. Although I have bones of contention with John Murray with regards to the promotion of Neo-Amyraldism, this particular book — Redemption Accomplished and Applied is excellent in its biblical presentation and defense of Reformed soteriology.


  1. Murray's book is one of my favorites. I have heard that he doesn't believe in the covenant of works is that correct? Great book though! I have a few copies of it.

  2. Eh, I have no idea. I have't read a lot of Murray, unless his first name is Iain =P.

  3. Cool, thanks! I've always wanted to pick up Challies' book so your review might help. :)

  4. Isaiah, you're welcome.

  5. I can't see your reviews, here or on Amazon. Where are they?

  6. Jonathan,

    they are on my angelfire website. Click on the titles of the books to see them.

  7. OK, have made an ammendment to make it easier to get to the reviews.


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