Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Books sold in New Creation bookstore

Yesterday Saturday, I was at Suntec Mall for lunch with my parents and their friends, after which I was to meet my friend at 3pm. We finished lunch earlier so I had some free time, during which I decided to visit New Creation's bookstore at The Rock. Here is what I have seen been sold in there (Sorry for the poor image quality; I was using my handphone camera)

Books by E.W. Kenyon:

Books by Kenneth Hagin:

Books by Kenneth Hagin Jr.:

Books by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland:

A book by Kathryn Kuhlman:

Books by Joyce Meyer:

Joel Osteen's latest book Becoming a Better You:

Don Miller's book Blue Like Jazz:

A book on the Roman Catholic practice of Breath Prayers:

With such books being sold by New Creation bookstore, I do not see how NCC can spin the fact that they are promoting the heresy of the Word-faith cult, even to the source writings of E.W. Kenyon and Kenneth Hagin, not to mention Joel Osteen's self help book. In my opinion, they can protest all they want that they are not a Word-faith church (if they do protest), but the selling of such books show that they ARE indeed Word-faith. It is also interesting to see Emergent writer Don Miller's book Blue like Jazz being sold there, plus one book (at least) promoting the unbiblical mystical practice of Breath Prayers.

Oh, and just btw, the CDs of Joseph Prince's teachings are really expensive — SGD30 for two DVDs or so! I wonder just how many hundred percentage points of profit does Prince make on the sale of just one DVD set.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ken:

    well, didn't you know that Prince believes that communion is meant to be taken for healing as "claiming" the promises of Is. 53:5 (by His stripes we are healed)?

    Did you walk out in the middle of the service? That would surely be a scene =P

  3. Left to me, I'd clear the building of every living person and then burn all the books - Prince is a moron as I witnessed when I engaged one of his members last year.

  4. Hi Daniel,
    Are you calling New Creation Church a cult since you pointed that it "promoting the heresy of the Word-faith cult"?
    Kok Seng

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mark:

    yes, it is sad.


    you should have captured it on video that and place it on Youtube. In my opinion, nothing best exposes heresy and error better than letting them talk on and on about what they believe in. At least give the Prince apologists something (spinning) to do... =)

  7. Kok Seng:

    I leave it to your own God-given logical deductive reasoning to sort that out. I will just state the facts in my post. It is highly recommended that you read D.R. McConnell's book entitled A Different Gospel to know more about the Word-faith movement, if you truly are interested when you asked your question.

  8. Ken:

    I guess I might have done the same if I was in your shoes =P

  9. Yikes! That's a mighty collection of Heretical teaching!

    I second PuritanReformed's recommendation on D.R. McConnell's book entitled "A Different Gospel". Written by a charismatic against the Word-of-faith movement. Provides good historical background on the word of faith movement and how its teachings developed over the years.
    In my opinion, the book is good in that it does not lump charismatism with the word-of-faith movement as many cessationist writers have done.

  10. Joel:

    indeed, the reason why I was recommended, and now recommend McConnell's book is that he is a practicing charismatic. Some cessationist apologetics like John MacArthur tend to lump all who look like charismatics together, refusing to see that the movement is not monolithic even theologically. Of course, charismatics do not help themselves as few denounce the heretics within their midst. Just look at the following of Sabellian T.D. Jakes for example, not to mention the entertainers on TBN.

  11. Tsk, tsk, I'm disappointed. No "Velvet Elvis"?!??

    Seriously, though, bro... did you expect anything less than those in the NCC bookstore? Was lunch that bad you had to go in there to throw it all up? ;)

  12. Isaiah:

    Eh well, I wasn't expecting anything better tbh; this was a evidence-gathering mission. The howls of Prince apologists defending Prince and NCC were rather deafening, so I decided a visit to the Rock was long overdue.

    Lunch was a nice porridge buffet, and nope I didn't throw up anything, since I have had no expectation that I would find anything good in the bookstore in the first place. I had expected Prince's books, DVDs and paraphernalia to saturate the place, but I guess one man cannot produce that much junk.

  13. Hi Daniel,

    The way you took the photos with your mobile without permission doesn't speak well of your own standards.

    In Jesus time, it's like the Pharisees.

    BTW, JP never said they are not of the Word of Faith tradition.
    He had at various times in his sermons said NCC is of Word of Faith traditon.

    Making accusations that are wrong is not good either. You should check your facts before writing and publishing them.

    Finally, being proud of what you know is a hallmark of the Pharisees. I pray you wont fall too deep into this trap that you cant get out.

    BTW, I hear more of the glory and beauty of Jesus in NCC than any where else.


    P.S. No, I am not attending NCC as my home church.

  14. Peter:

    give me a break! I guess in your opinion taking photos of the National Day parade requires permission also. If the Rock is indeed a bookstore open to the public, then you have no grounds to complain.

    >BTW, JP never said they are not of the Word of Faith tradition.
    He had at various times in his sermons said NCC is of Word of Faith traditon

    Thanks for the frank admission.

    >Making accusations that are wrong is not good either. You should check your facts before writing and publishing them.

    But you yourself have just admitted that Prince and NCC is "of Word of faith tradition". Are you saying that only Prince apologists can state that, but when we say the exact same thing, we are "making accusations"? Hypocrite!

    >Finally, being proud of what you know is a hallmark of the Pharisees. I pray you wont fall too deep into this trap that you cant get out.

    Your ignorance of the Scriptures is evident by equating biblical conduct as being like the actions of the Pharisees. Point of fact: I have found the Prince apologists I have engaged so far as being the most proudful, rebellious, sin-loving and vindictive people I have ever seen in my entire life among those who call themselves evangelical Christians. It is precisely such despicable conduct I have previously encountered that makes me curious about the nature of the teaching coming from NCC that creates such followers. As it is written, "you shall know them by their fruits", and the fruits are rotton.

    >BTW, I hear more of the glory and beauty of Jesus in NCC than any where else.

    Which "Jesus"? Santa Claus? Certianly not the Jesus of the Bible who calls us to deny ourselves, take up the Cross and follow Him (Lk. 9:23).

  15. Don't worry Daniel, by the logic of some, an investigator would be a Pharisee by taking photos of a crime scene!...

    These people like the crime
    and do not like the exposure to come out.

    They love the crime scene, but hate those exposing it. Reminds me of a biblical passage regarding those who love the darkness and hate the light....


  16. Mark:

    exactly. You should see the antics of the Prince's apologists on my personal blog site here. The only people ruder than the Prince apologists are the homofascists and the Neo-Orthodox Liberals.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Ken:

    now you are going to attract Prince apologists like bees to honey. =)

  19. Hey. Isaiah... of course no Velvet Elvis. Postmodernism would mean that they cannot preach prosperity anymore. ;P

  20. I'm just comparing apples with apples, I mean "fruits" with "fruits" you know.... I used to work in agriculture you know, before coming to the big city. So I know what I'm talking about.

  21. lol Ok, I finally laughed today, just having a rough day.

  22. hello Daniel ... I'm still lurking around. :-)

    While I probably wouldn't be as critical of some of these as you, I agree overall ... and what bothers me more is not that these are in the store but that for so many that claim to be Christians, this stuff is their staple. It's not like they are accidently getting some error thrown over a good basic diet ... this junk forms the foundation of what they take in.

    Very sad.

  23. Rick:

    I agree it is their staple. In fact, I wonder if they have anything else but this as THE staple.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Ken:

    I see. Historically, charismatism entered the "mainstream" denominations via Anglicanism, so there are still a lot of charismatics and charismatism within Anglicanism, warts and all.

  26. Daniel,
    Two questions:
    1. Your book is not cheap too at S$16.90. How many have you sold? and what your profit? Do you keep all the profit or give all away to the church?
    2. Although its not a related topic, what's your view on Verbal Plenary Preservation (VPP)? Not sure if you have written on this before?

  27. Kok Seng:

    1) Firstly, $16.90 is nothing compared to $30 for Prince's book. Secondly, my book is a print-on-demand book, so the printing cost per book is much higher, leaving me only a slim profit margin per book. Thirdly, I have yet to break even 'coz I am not actively promoting my book thus sales have been nominal. So, your point is moot.

    2) I regard VPP as heresy.

  28. Thanks.
    You should actively promote your book to all the bookstores like Popular, Times, Tecman, Life Bookstore ....even try NCC :)
    It might become a best seller. The proceeds can be given to the churches.

  29. yow, what a mess. Kenyon's thought, to this day, is still the puppetmaster of diabolic influence that has all but fatally infected the Faith movement. Thanks for that shot. Can you get a better picture of that?

    FYI, you may be interested in my series on the Faith movement from my Pentecostal's perspective .. accessible at our website at

    As for Blackreformingkid's passion, I'd do you one better. I'd burn the building down .. after clearing the folk out .. and post a sign reading ICHABOD on the smoldering rubble.

  30. Rafael:

    Unfortunately, the only way I can get a better shot is to go back and take photos of the books once again.

    I went to your website, which looks rather informative. However, the webpage supposedly containing the article "A Christian Response to the Word of Faith movement" is blank.

  31. It should be fixed now. Try again. I found your blog while doing some research into Kenyon and wanted to lose my lunch. Kenyon was such an earnest, sincere and yet sincerely WRONG guy who has introduced so much error to the church that you lose sight of what good he did do.

  32. Rafael:

    I have re-checked the site, and it ( is still a blank.

    As for Kenyon, I agree with you.

  33. that's really, really strange, Daniel. It's working for me.

    Try this link and click on the "Go To The Last Article"

    Also try this link

    Most unusual. Sorry.

  34. Rafael:

    It seems I can read it if I use Firefox, but cannot if I use IE to open it. Strange...

    Great article, especially geared for those from a more Pentecostal/ Charismatic background.

  35. I am so sorry for clogging up your blog with this. I finally located and fixed the code problem on the page. I've checked the articles on both IE and Mozilla (we use Mozilla exclusively) and both should read properly. Sorry for all the confusion.

  36. Rafael:

    sure, no problem.


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