Saturday, May 24, 2008

Slight response to CRN.(mis)info

Well, it seems that the "watcher of watchdogs" CRN.(mis)info has pounced upon my article showing logically why Rick Warren denies the Gospel, here. I find it very revealing that the only thing they can do is ridicule it; nobody has ever gotten down to attempt to seriously interact with and attempt to refute the argument. Oh well, perhaps they do not actually know how to think logically? After all, we ARE living in the irrational postmodern era, aren't we?

On a slightly different note, they linked to Chris Rosebrough who thanked Rick Warren for hosting him and Pastor Bob DeWaay and hearing their concerns over his PD paradigm. Somehow after reading Chris Rosebrough's article, I do not see what CRN.(mis)info is insinuating he is doing. Chris is NOT considering both sides of the story, if by that you mean he is willing to play the game of Hegelian dialetics. Neither is what will come out of it a dialogue. Rather, it is an attitude of hearing out the other person, then evaluating based on the Objective Unchanging Truth of Scripture, which we all do. I do not want to comment on the attitudes of the commentors on Chris Rosebrough's post there, except to say that it is revealing how Richard Abanes and CRN.(mis)info can judge those people. But oh, it is so wrong for them to judge people like Rick Warren. Can someone say Hypocrite!?


  1. Oh well, perhaps they do not actually know how to think logically? After all, we ARE living in the irrational postmodern era, aren't we?

    I think you hit the nail on the head.


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