Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quotable quote (2)

The example of Saul, admired by men but rejected by God (1 Sam. 13:14), exhorts us to measure our success in the church not in terms of numbers or money or political strength — the kinds of things the Sauls of the wolds provide — but in the knowledge of God, in our devotion to Him, and in our holiness before the world.

- Richard D. Phillips, Turning Back the Darkness: The Biblical Pattern of Reformation, (Crossway Books, Wheaton, Il, USA, 2002), p. 51


  1. Anonymous25/5/08 21:29

    But, but... how about the marketplace, and being the head and not the tail?!? ;)

  2. Isaiah:

    :) Haha, for that, you can ask ("apostle") Ed Silvoso, though don't expect a biblical response....

  3. Anonymous25/5/08 23:44

    Don't be so mean -- it might be Biblical, as far as the narrow definition meaning 'taken from the Bible' goes, just out-of-context. ;)

  4. Isaiah:

    was that question of yours serious? I thought it wasn't?

  5. Anonymous28/5/08 03:55

    Hmm... I need to work on my humor a little more. ;)

    The question wasn't serious at all, of course. God forbid that I ever buy into that nonsense.

  6. Eh... well, it's your second comment. Sounded quite serious..... :)


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