Thursday, July 14, 2022

Book Review: God with Us by K. Scott Oliphant

The 2011/2012 book by K. Scott Oliphant entitled God with Us: Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God had been withdrawn from publication, as part of the agreement made with Oliphant that resulted in his acquital before a court of the OPC. The background to this was the 2016 Trinity controversy signaling a resurgence in classical theism, and it is due to this that Dr. Oliphant was hauled up in 2019 on charges of heresy based on things he had written in this book. Being a dissenter from classical theism, I was interested to read this book, and thankfully a friend managed to get a copy for me.

So what does a Reformed theologians with Palamite influences think of the book? Well, here is my review of Oliphant's book. An excerpt:

The book is written as an exploration in the doctrine of God from a biblical theological and systematic perspective. Split into an introduction and five chapters, Oliphant attempted to formulate a theology of God that takes into account motifs of incarnation and accommodation, linking his doctrine of God and his doctrine of Christ. A key point of Oliphant’s view formulated here is using Christology to guide Theology Proper (the headings in one of his chapters), in which his unique spin on the doctrine of God is being presented.


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