Monday, February 07, 2022

Tim Keller and how not to "do contextualization"

Tim Keller has recently promoted "contextualization" in the supposed witness of Stepehen Colbert. According to Keller, this is a greeat example of contextualization of the Christian faith. But is that so?

We can point out that Colbert is a Roman Catholic, and therefore not a Christian. We can point out the type of "witness" he has done in blaspheming Jesus Christ. But for the sake of argument, let us ignore all these. Is that video clip in itself and judged according to its merits a contextualization of the Christian message? The short answer is no. Colbert talked about faith and humanity and name drops Jesus, but the whole message is a message about faith in general. It is a message anyone from Mormons to Transhumanists can preach and embrace. If the message is something anyone but the most militant atheists can embrace, how is that exactly a "contextualization" of the Christian message?

The sad thing is that Tim Keller has compromised the faith, by trying to always stake out a via media in an increasingly hostile world. This kind of "contextualization" is unfaithfulness to Christ and to His Gospel. One can only hope and pray for Keller's repentance.

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