Monday, January 24, 2022

Robert Reymond on the identification of God's attributes with God's being

On the other hand, it is equally necessary, when we declare that God's being is identical with his attributes, to resist the error of some meddieval nominalists, who held that God's atttributes are nothing more than words (Lat. nomina), so that the distinctioons which they suggest are not really present in the one divine essence. For surely God's eternality is no more identical with his knowledge, his knowledge no more identical with his power, his power no more identical with his omnipresence, and his omnipresence no more identical with his holiness than is our knowledge identical with our power or our goodness identical with our finite extension in space. God's attributes are real, distinguishable characteristics of his divine being. (Robert Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, 2nd. Ed., p. 163)

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