Friday, October 29, 2021

What does Bruce Ware believe about the persons of the Trinity?

Each member of the Godhead is equally God, each is eternally God, and each is fully God‐not three gods but three Persons of the One Godhead. .... This—the one and undivided divine nature—is also possessed equally and fully by the Son and Spirit. (Bruce A. Ware, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, and Relevance, p. 43)

What did Bruce Ware believe about the Trinity? One thing he did believe in is that in terms of being (ontology, immanant Trinity), God is one and each person is fully equal to the other. Also, each person does not have one-third of the divine nature, but rather the whole divine nature is "possessed equally and fully" by all persons of the Godhead. As it can be seen, Ware does not believe that any one person of the Trinity is higher or superior to the other as it regards to their being; all are ontologically equal.

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