Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dr James White on RAAN again, and Marxism among the "Reformed" camp

Dr. James White has recently in his Dividing Line podcast spoke concerning Jemar Tisby and RAAN (Reformed African-American Network), the network he co-founded, in light of comments Tisby made after the US election victory of Donald J Trump. Now, the victory of the race-baiting Donald Trump is not a good thing, but neither was the potential victory of the radical liberal Hilary Clinton. Still, Trump won legitimately and he will be the next president of the United States. Tisby's comments are disturbing but not out of character from what I had expected from anyone associated with RAAN, much less its co-founder.

To be sure, I can grant that Tisby's comments were made out of pain, with legitimate personal history backing them up. So I am not inclined to pile on Tisby. Yet, what he has said has revealed once again the problems with RAAN I had stated before. RAAN embraces a false anti-Christian racial narrative, and then cobbles it with a spiritual veneer of "Reformed theology." That is not what being Reformed means however. We can't just take the theoretical aspects of Reformed theology and fix it to a practical secularism (or Marxism)! To be Reformed is to be Reformed both in thought and life, and it is sad that RAAN cannot seem to get that. And dangerous when it claims to speak for all "people of color" (what does that mean anyway?!), or even for all "Reformed African-Americans"


  1. (So sorry to hijack this for a different issue) I enjoyed reading your testimony
    on angelfire, but when I click buttons on the left, I get all kinds of spam. Is that a problem with AngelFire, or something about your site?
    Corey Fleig

  2. Hi Corey,

    my angelfire site is free. Unfortunately, that comes with pop-ups and spam. I may decide to pay for the pop-ups to stop in the future.

  3. Haven't visited your site in awhile. Lo-and-behold, the most recent post is about a thread that I actually participated on last year:

    I thought Jemar Tisby was ridiculous, and the amount of fawning and applauding of his "courage" was even more ridiculous.

  4. @TUAD:

    Well, RAAN is ridiculous. Even on a secular level, there is nothing good from creating racial strife and division, much less from those who claim to represent the King.

    I have been on a nice hiatus anyway, so nothing much being posted here.


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