Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Posts on Education and Christian education

Quite some time back, I wrote a couple of posts against current seminary student at the Protestant Reformed Seminary Aaron Lim's view concerning education in Singapore (Parts 1, 2, 3). And recently, I wrote a review of a terrible publication by the mainstream Ethos Institute on the topic of public education in Singapore.

As it should be evident, the former in response to Aaron Lim deals with the denial of a common sphere in society, such that anything must be pigeonholed into either for God or against God. It stems from a sharp Neo-Kuyperian antithesis that conflates creation with redemption, with redemption being normative for creation. The latter by the Ethos Institute however conflates creation with redemption in the opposite manner, with creation as fallen being normative over redemption. Both sides fail to take into account the proper relation between creation and redemption, the former being too "spiritual," and the latter too worldly.

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