Thursday, March 01, 2012

Dr. Richard Muller's talks at WSC

The last two days (Feb 28th and 29th 2012) saw Dr. Richard Muller gave lectures at Westminster Seminary California (WSC), which I was privileged to attend. The talks can now be heard in the resource center here:

  1. Was Calvin a Calvinist?
  2. Calvin and Beza on Practical Syllogism (Calvin on Assurance)


  1. If Calvin was not a Calvinist, how much more so is Van Til, Bavinck, and Kuyper not "Calvinists"?

    Calvin Seminary is even more liberal than Westminster East and West. Calvin Seminary endorses Amyraldianism, common grace, and theistic evolution. Looks like general revelation trumps special revelation after all?

  2. @Charlie,

    Muller is a church historian, not a systematic theologian. Just because he is from Calvin Seminary does not mean he has nothing to say to the church. I am after all not learning from him any systematics.


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