Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What Thomas Keating teaches about the practice of Centering Prayer

Chris Rosebrough recently did an interesting podcast on the topic of Centering Prayer, as focused on the teachings of Thomas Keating, one of the founders of the "revival" of Centering Prayer in "Evangelicalism." Very illuminating indeed.


  1. You'd better watch out. This dangerous method of "prayer" has made its way like wildfire through ordinary Catholic parishes, despite being roundly condemned by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, as well as given negative mention in the Catechism. The prayer of famous Christian mystics (from Antony the Egyptian to Bernard of Clairvaux to Terese of Liseux) have always been Christ-centered. If it isn't Christ-centered, it isn't Christian.

  2. @Phillip::

    interesting. Thanks.


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