Monday, March 07, 2011

James White on Rob Bell's Nooma 15

Dr. James White with a rebuttal of Rob Bell's teaching on Mithra and Attis


  1. Rob Bell has been watching too much Zeitgeist

  2. @Marn Chi:

    Should be. I didn't see that movie though (if it was a movie)


    its on youtube, introduced to me by my cousin-in-law who is obsessed with conspiracy theories

  4. @Marn Chi:

    I see. Yea, typical rubbish. None of which can be validated.

    Nobody even knows what Jesus' real birthdate is for that matter.

  5. Anonymous21/3/11 23:46

    The gospels and epistles do in fact directly challenge Caesar. They challenge not his political leadership, but his claim to be divine, by describing the rule of Christ in terms that were known to be used by Caesar. Christ the true Son of God, the true Lord, vs. Caesar, is an important part of the message of the New Testament. The Jewish background is also very pertinent. I don't see this as an either/or but both/and. Christ came as a Jew in the context of occupation by the Roman Empire.


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