Thursday, November 18, 2010

CTS versus WSC reading list on Covenant Theology

Wes White has recently published a list of books required for reading in WTS-P, RTS (Jackson) and CTS. Most interesting is the reading list for CTS on the topic of Covenant Theology. Here is what we find is required reading for their Covenant Theology (CT) courses.

COVENANT THEOLOGY I — by Michael Williams

Far as the Curse is FoundWilliams, Michael
Proper ConfidenceNewbigin
Creation RegainedWolters
Science and FaithCollins, C. John
He Gave Us StoriesPratt, Richard L. Jr.

COVENANT THEOLOGY II — by Michael Williams

New Testament and the People of GodWright, N.T.
Knowing Jesus Through the OTWright, Christopher J.H.
Redemptive History & the New Testament ScripturesRidderbos, Herman

Now, contrast this with WSC's required reading (books only) for our Covenant Theology course:

HT566 History of Covenant Theology — by R. Scott Clark

Commentary on the Heidelberg CatechismUrsinus, Zacharias
Exposition of the Apostles' CreedOlevianus, Casper
Institutes of Elenctic TheologyTurretin, Francis
Marrow of TheologyAmes, William
Marrow of Modern DivinityFisher, Edward
The Economy of the CovenantsWitsius, Herman
Casper Olevianus and the Substance of the CovenantClark, R.S.
The Covenant of Life OpenedRutherford, Samuel
Institutes of the Christian ReligionCalvin, John
The Christian's Reasonable Servicea Brakel, Wilhelmus
A Treatise on the Law and the GospelColquhoun, John

I find the contrast especially revealing.


  1. Thanks. That is interesting. I appreciate you putting that together.

  2. WOW!

    That's different! WSC has really good choices. Some of the best books.

    CTS's choice... the writers are not even orthodoxy for most part. Ridderbos, N. T. Wright, etc. *yuck!

    But hey. Want to see TTC's book list?
    There is nothing on covenant theology. Lecturer does not even hold to that. And books for OT, far more liberal than those few.

  3. @Joel


    Ridderbos is rather mixed. I appreciate some of his insight into biblical theology, but there seems to some sort of liberal or neo-orthodox slant in that particular book of his.


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