Friday, October 08, 2010

This is called worship at Saddleback Church

This is a part of Saddleback Church's worship. I really wonder who is being worshipped here, plus what biblical basis do any of the lyrics have.


  1. Anonymous8/10/10 23:51

    If that is not proof that Warren preaches a man-centered gospel, then I dont know what is. "Keep your faith" given the context of the song means, "keep your faith in your ability to keep on moving and climbing. It is not about trusting in Christ or the promise that "all things work together for good to those who love God for those who are called according to His purpose". It cannot mean that because they seem to believe that Christians are elected and predestined (to use my own language)to "great things" (i.e. they should be about accomplishing their own dreams) rather than to being conformed into the image of Christ for His glory.

  2. @Committed Christian:



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