Sunday, October 03, 2010

Rick Warren and more twisting of Scripture

Over at BetterThanSacrifice.Org, Rick Warren's twisting of Scripture in his DG2010 conference message is exposed as can be seen here.

Much of modern evangelicalism seems to be fixated upon the idea that we can only progress as individual Christians and the church if we are pursing a dream or vision. This tendency is epitomized in these two claims:

Nothing happens till somebody starts dreaming. What we need today are great dreamers.

Those words occur not on the website of some ‘best-life-now’ life coach, but, rather surprisingly, in a post over at the Desiring God website:

There we are given the command to ‘Let God stretch your imagination’ and told that ‘Nothing happens till somebody starts dreaming. What we need today are great dreamers.’

Now, where exactly does the Bible teach any of this?


It seems that twisting of Scripture is a pathological condition for Rick Warren; sadly he just can't stop doing it.

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