Friday, September 10, 2010

Contra Tim Keller's paper advocating a compromise paper promoting theistic evolution

The New Calvinist leader Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian (PCA) has recently authored a paper entitled Creation, Evolution and Christian Laypeople which can be found here. Over at Creation Ministries International, Lita Cosner has written a good rebuttal of Keller's paper and expose his astonishing ignorance of creationist arguments and literature, repeating arguments that have been refuted many times over. I mean, even if you were to take Keller's position, shouldn't academic integrity suggest that you at least address what has already been published instead of repeating old refuted arguments?


  1. I agree—it's shocking how these churchian critics of biblical creation rarely respond to the actual arguments. See also Lita's refutation of that dangerously compromising group Biologos, for which Keller wrote.

  2. @Ktisophilos:

    Very true. Lita's refutation is good.


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