Saturday, January 02, 2010

Rick Warren running out of money

It seems that, in light of the financial crisis, Purpose-Driven Pope Rick Warren and Saddleback Church are having financial difficulties. Maybe Warren and Saddleback could go back to being a church instead of an all-in-one social service club. You know, just preach the Word.

P.S.: Honestly, how do you even get USD 900,000 in debt in one year, except by wasting spending money on non-essential "social club" activities? My Church does not even have have that amount to spend in one year!


  1. I was going to comment on that story, except I realised that Ligonier Ministries is also running short.

    And THAT's one ministry I would hate to see go bankrupt...

  2. SB:

    Hmmmm..... I think Ligonier also should start some cost-saving measures, like maybe paying their execustives less?

    After all, R.C.Sproul does have a paid job as pastor in his church, so this should be added income for him.


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