Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sermon: Psalm 2

Here is a good sermon of Psalms 2 entitled Rejoicing with Trembling from Pastor Simon Murphy of Redemption Hill Church, a new church plant in Singapore which is properly Gospel-centered and part of the global resurgence in Calvinism.


  1. You know, I was ready to write off Redemption Hill Church (because it's an offshoot of Mars Hill, which is, of course, Mark Driscoll's church).

    I guess we should always be wary of falling into the trap of labelling people through "guilt by association", eh?

  2. SB:

    eh, actually, Redemption Hill is not an offshoot of Mars Hill, though Simon does admire Driscoll to a certain extent.

    Yup, we should always be wary of labeling people through guilt-by-association and thus violating the 9th commandment. I met up with Simon for lunch during one of the weekdays to discuss certain issues, of which this was one of them.

  3. Sermon: We have free will? That's popular calvinism, not that which is taught by Calvin or Augustine. :P Small point of disagreement. Been reading too much Cheung and Clark. haha

  4. Just finished listening. Good sermon.

  5. Joel:

    yes, it is pop Calvinism. But I do not see it as a big issue

  6. ie not something to fight over, unless it was meant to be a theological paper.


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