Saturday, February 28, 2009 5 reasons to study theology

My friend Nathan has an interesting article on five reasons why we should be studying theology. It has constantly amazed me how people can claim to love God without wanting to know more of and about Him. Imagine a wife saying she loves her husband but wants to know nothing about him... ...


  1. Thanks for that link. I never thought about his fifth point in the article until now.

  2. Joel:

    Neither did I. =)

  3. @PuritanReformed: Thanks for linking to my post! It is encouraging to read that my post gave you and Joel Tay some 'food for thought'. Not sure if you're aware, but I did post a follow up article entitled, 'Another' Five Reasons You Need to Study Theology. Hopefully some on that list may serve to be 'food for thought' also.

  4. Nathan:

    you're welcome. Your follow up article was similarly a good one. Probably will write something about it later.


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