Thursday, January 01, 2009

Plans for the new year

First off, Happy New Year!

I have reviewed the previous year and it didn't go as aimed at, but mostly it is reasonable. I would hope to resume my previous unfinished series from last year, but besides that I have other things to do also.

2009 is John Calvin's 500th birthday, and I am sure various activities have been planned by various people to commemorate this occasion. As for me, I have a project to do which would hopefully benefit the churches. I would be required to write a 3000-5000 word article on the following topic (which would be peer-reviewed and compiled into a book)

Daniel Chew,Evaluating The Purpose Driven Paradigm : Recapturing The Vision of The Centrality of The Gospel

The article would be translated into Chinese, which would thus be as follows

赵惠聪,评估标竿之代模,重新规范福音核心的异象 (CERC圣约福音归正教会,新加坡)

This should be an interesting challenge. Have been slowly preparing for it. Anyway, here is the list of all the writers and articles in this project:

I. 圣经神学

1. 王俊才,神迹与方言的分析与批判 (古晋恩典浸信会牧师,古晋归正团契及吉隆坡归正福音教会创办人,东马)

2. David Chong,评估保罗新观对唯独因信称义的教义诠释[Evaluate the "New Perspective" on Paul's Exposition of the Doctrine of Justification by faith alone] (Agora网络事工及KAIROS中心同工,西马)

3. Daniel Chew,评估标竿之代模,重新规范福音核心的异象[Evaluating The Purpose Driven Paradigm : Recapturing The Vision of The Centrality of The Gospel] (CERC圣约福音归正教会,新加坡)

II. 教义神学

4. J.J.Lim,信条和宣言在现代教会的地位和重要性 (PCC圣约朝圣者教会主理传道,新加坡)

5. 韩江平,论教父与加尔文的释经观 (PCC圣约朝圣者教会会友,印尼)

6. 许如辉,加尔文的预定论 (卫理公会主恩堂代理传道,东马)


7. 黄耀兴,加尔文的生平简介和历史定位 (马里兰州立大学宗教哲学学士,东马)

8. 郑天鸣,清教徒典范论华人教会复兴 (卫理公会马当堂代理传道,东马)

9. 邓福祥,从加尔文的<基督教要义>论敬虔操练 (卫理公会准传道,东马)


10. 陈亦君,加尔文崇拜本质的探求:灵火焚心,负爱一生-走出仪文的敬拜 (音乐硕士,教会音乐教育工作者,新加坡)

11. Linus Chua,宗教改革与教育[Reformation And Education](PCC圣约朝圣者教会助理传道,新加坡)

12. 吴盈盈,浅论圣经辅导与世俗心理学 (中国信徒布道会同工,西马)


13. 刘惠清,改革宗的宣教神学与华人文化处境 (卫理公会新生堂代理传道,东马)

14. 江锦顺,加尔文的经济观 (卫理公会传恩堂代理传道,东马

15. 周顺煌,比较路德与加尔文的政治观 (卫理公会芦恩堂及侨恩堂代理传道,东马)

Besides this major project for the first half of the year, I would be trying to start something in Singapore. For too long the Church has been weak with shallow Christians and dozens of heresies and open heretics moving within the walls of the Church. This is not acceptable, and it is my prayer that Reformed Christians in Singapore would unite in the truths of Scripture and go forth to evangelize Singapore Evangelicalism as well as present a coherent Christian worldview to the world to win people for God's Kingdom. Obviously, there are a lot of things going on and things are not as easy as it seems, but we will see what can be done. More information to be given later, but prayer for us in this respect is greatly appreciated.

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