Thursday, January 15, 2009

News: Rick Warren applauds Obama for inviting "gay" bishop to pray during inauguration

Rick Warren compliments Barack Obama's invitation to openly gay activist Bishop "Vicky" Gene Robinson to pray at his inauguration on Sunday. [more]

My take: Warren should just get out of the pulpit and join the rank of forked tongue politicians where I am sure he would feel right at home.

[HT: Paula]


  1. Let's just say that his fruits do not correspond with what is expected of a servant of God. (Gal 1:8-10)

  2. As you know, I am not a Warren fan nor defender but on the surface, his prayer seemed well done. Whether or not it was Spirit inspired I cannot say but the words from my perspective were surprisingly good.

    Regarding his compliment to Obama for inviting Robinson, I perceive people read more into that than is there. While it may not be wise, I found it honest and cordial ... Warren does not see every interaction as one necessary to confront all sin and theological error. He sees them as opportunities to demonstrate grace and to speak truth.

    Do I think he is always correct in his judgement? No!

    Do I think his theology is always solid? No!

    But I do think he is modeling a wisdom and humility that many could learn from. And on the doctrinal points that are important to him, I find him unwavering. Again, while I disagree with his list of important doctrine, I respect how he holds firm to what he does.

  3. Rick:

    As you can see, I have not commented on his prayer. I have seen both positive and negative reviews of his prayer but I have personally decided not to comment on it. IMO, Warren is threading a thin line in his prayer which is designed to attempt to defuse criticism by both groups, and thus would please neither.

    With regards to his comment on Obama's invitation to Robinson, I would think the issue is not whether Warren is humble in this regard, but whether Warren should say anything good about the issue in the first place. Robinson is an apostate, and it is wrong to be positive about the abominable act of an apostate offering a prayer to God. Warren does not have to denounce Obama or attack Robinson, but he does not have to open his big mouth and compliment Obama either. If you can't say anything positive of the situation, don't say anything at all. Why does Warren have to think that he must always find something good to say to anyone when the issue does not lend itself to any positivity?

    Lastly, a minister of the Lord is to proclaim God's truth to the people, not to play politics. Would Jesus compliment Obama in the way Warren did, or would he call both of them to repentance for their sins?


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