Thursday, November 06, 2008

James White's thoughts in the aftermath of an Obama victory

Here are James White's thoughts in the aftermath of an Obama victory.



  1. Just out of interest, I have been following US Presidential elections closely since 1976. This is one election result I felt a strange and gloomy sense of grief. The candidates offered for the election and the result show that many people in US don't care what are the values of the candidates, they just want CHANGE. Well, God gave them their choice...

    1Sa 8:6-8 "But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, "Give us a king to judge us." And Samuel prayed to the LORD.
    And the LORD said to Samuel, "Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them. According to all the deeds that they have done, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are also doing to you."

  2. Thy Word is truth:

    I agree whole-heartedly. Obama is God's judgment upon an ungodly electorate, in giving them what they want. Just look at the decaying nations of Europe to see what the future of America would be like if they do not repent. They will most definitely get change alright, just maybe not the change they truly want.

  3. The lesser of two evils, perhaps? It seems that both the GOP and Democrat candidates blatantly lie to the public regularly (refer to the factcheckers), which contradicts their professed faith in Christianity.

    Now if only Mitt Romney had been on the ticket... heh. I think Wayne Grudem was rooting for Romney even though the latter was a Mormon.

  4. Anonymous7/11/08 14:26

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  5. yongchun:

    sortof. McCain is no more Christian than Obama, but at least he is less evil. The only bright side to this is that the Church in America would be forced to wake up and do what she is commanded to do. After all, as it has been said, those who don't obey Acts 1:8 will get Acts 8:1.

    As for the other Republican contestants in the primaries, they are better than McCain but I don't think they are that great. Romney isn't that conservative you know?

  6. Ken:

    I agree. May I add for the church scene the emergence of New Evangelicalism? As Iain Murray has shown in his book Evangelicalism Divided, the New Evangelical movement has gutted Christianity of its stand for the Truth for a facade of wordly success and influence. Incidentally, the emergence of New Evangelicalism started in the 1950s...

  7. Anonymous7/11/08 16:07

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  8. Nobody mentioned Ron Paul?

  9. Joel:

    eh, I don't know much about Ron Paul, except that he was probably better than the other candidates. But he is bad in the politics game.

  10. As Abraham Lincoln said, we shouldn't be worried about whether God is on our side, but whether we are on the side of God.

    If you find Obama a judgment, you may be right. What sort of sin have you committed that has brought this judgment upon you? Time to rethink, very hard, Lincoln's statement.


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