Thursday, October 16, 2008

The ESV Study Bible: A Review

The ESV Study Bible is out, and I am eagerly waiting to get a copy for myself. Unfortunately, it is not yet sold in Singapore, but it will come so I will wait for it. In the meantime, here is a good review of the Study Bible by Tim Challies.


  1. I pre-ordered a copy from 2 weeks back. Just got posted out either monday or tuesday this week. Looking forward to it. Hope it is as good as the hype surrounding it

  2. Uh... I'm feeling quite broke noadays after my recent $500+ book buying spree, so I'll wait for it to arrive in Singapore, or until near Christmas time, whichever comes first.

  3. $500+ book-buying spree??!

    It will be some time before I can get it, unfortunately. Took part in the free giveaway at Monergism, and if God wills it, I'm hoping for a free copy!

    P.S. Tim's review is good, but I think the ESVSB doesn't need a review at all to convince anyone that it's a must-have. ;)

  4. Isaiah:

    yup, I have quite a lot of books now waiting to be read. It's like a mountain... =) I think I have just bought 20+% of my total number of books this year...

  5. Heh, enjoy the reading! What books did you get?

  6. What you need to do is to join a liberal theological college and that will force you to read and reference the books in writing your papers. Otherwise, the mountain of unread books will become a mountain chain.


  7. Isaiah:

    Eh, well, you will see them slowly being added to my Librarything account. I don't think I feel like writing 20+ book titles. =P


    no need. I am reading them slowly; have already read ~30+ of the 60+ books I have bought this year. Having a job and money to spend surely increases expenditure on books too =)

  8. Ha ha, you got the idea! I'll definitely be doing that. :P


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