Thursday, September 25, 2008

Some thoughts on Reformed rap

This article is Sam Guzman's take on the issue of Reformed rap. Do look at the video towards the end:

After looking at this video, the question to be asked is this: Is sensuality ever acceptable if it is baptized in Christian lyrics and even motives? Whatever happened to the command of holiness?

And yes, I reject the notion that music is neutral. Certainly this is not to denigrate any genre fiat, but then the spirit behind the music is the important thing which must be evaluated, not the music per se.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 Jn. 4:1)


  1. Anonymous30/9/08 04:56

    I wanted to leave a comment on the original page of the article, but the Administrator does not have it set up for comments to be made. I also sent to Sam an email, but he never responded.. maybe you will.

    The spirit behind this song can very easily been recognized in the lyrics. What boggles me is Sam tells everyone not to listen to the lyrics and just watch the video (which I will touch on soon), but you can view the lyrics at and check out flame's ministry site at - the spirit behind his music and the motives behind his ministry are clearly evident if you preview his lyrics.

    Obviously edited, at the end of the video the director asks flame what he wants his music video to portray and he says "joy... a big celebration" - if you look even further on the web you will receive a description about what this song represents... an expression of the 95th Psalm that invites us to worship God and sing for joy. I also listened to an interview concerning how he wrote this song and its based upon all of us coming together in the end during God's Second Coming to worship Him. Laying down all of our ills, pain, suffering, and sorrow celebrating that He has called us specifically to embrace His glory.

    This song has a clear Gospel presentation in it and I'm boggled why you would use a verse to blantantly call these Ministers false prophets.

    The music video.. in my opinion represents everyone coming together for a big celebratory concert, much like the concerts you may attend (or not) where everyone is there to glorify Christ through music. Much like flame's and lecrae concerts, you will hear a clear Gospel message presented in between songs. You should attend.

    But all that i wanted to say is how dare any man or woman and child of God (if you are) call someone a false prophet based upon a 4 minute clip worth of hours of edited ministry that I heard took place during the video shoot without researching the ministry of the minister let alone NOT even knowing the type of impact one's ministry has blessed people to direct their energy to a relationship with Christ of course through the edification of the Holy Spirit.

  2. etoile2u:

    The key issue here is the spirit behind the song, NOT the words nor the artistes involved. My question to you is the same as those to anyone else:

    Is sensuality ever condonable if the right/orthodox lyrics are chosen?

    That the rap is based on Ps. 95 or any Scripture is irrelevant, as well as the identity of the band.

    My quotation of 1 Jn. 4:1 was NOT to call anyone false prophets, but to ask people to examine the (sensual) spirit behind the rap songs. If one uses sensual rhytmns and dance moves, not to mention the dress code of those involved, are these all fine as long as one uses biblical lyrics? Whatever happened to the command to be holy, for God is holy (1 Peter 1:16)?


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