Thursday, September 25, 2008

Archbishop of Canterbuy endorses Marian apparitions

Well, Rowan Williams might as well just go ahead and kiss the Pope's feet, after stating that the Marian apparitions are truly visions of Mary. Ever since GAFCON, the conservative Anglican churches are trying to set up an alternative Anglican body. I would suggest that if they are truly committed to biblical authority, they should break communion immediately with Canterbury and denounce Rowan Williams as a heretic.

[HT: Watcher's Lamp]


  1. Anonymous26/9/08 22:17

    Gee, I'm sooo surprised... NOT! I had an inkling something like this would be next in line. What isn't out of bounds after issuing an apology to Charles Darwin?

  2. Well, maybe child sacrifice? I don't think Rowan Williams would do that...

  3. Anonymous27/9/08 15:59

    That would be too far-fetched, lol! I'd reckon tree-hugging perhaps, seeing that he's also a druid. ;)


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