Sunday, August 31, 2008

Slicecast: A Word to Christians Online

Very good interview with Pastor Dustin Segers in the latest slicecast here, especially with regards to the potential pitfalls for those of us who take Jude 3 seriously.

When we as Christians interact online, how do we keep from becoming distracted by the mockery, scorn and sin that dominates in much of the blog world? Does it matter if we neglect our families in pursuit of “sound doctrine?” How do we keep our focus on Christ when we face constant attacks from those who are enemies of the cross? Pastor Dustin Segers of Shepherd’s Fellowship in Greensboro, North Carolina minces no words on this podcast today. Christians have to be on guard against those who would draw us into foolish debates and arguments, gossip and time wasting pursuits. Psalm 1 provides the guideline: don’t waste time with the scorners. We are to be like Nehemiah, refusing to leave God’s work for fruitless debate and argument with those who will not acknowledge the truth. In this Slicecast, there is something for everyone who spends time online. We need to examine ourselves regularly to make sure our conduct is Christ-honoring and focused on the tasks God has given us. We’re not wrestling against people. This is a spiritual battle, and that is easy to forget.

Click here to download this episode.

See also Loving the Lord while avoiding Distractions

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/9/08 03:58

    It's a very good podcast indeed. I featured it on my blog as well.

    Guilty on some counts. ;-)


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