Wednesday, August 20, 2008

John W. Robbins (1948-2008)

OK, enough aboout Dynamic Equivalence. Just to pass on the information from the Biblical Thought website that John W. Robbins, founder of the Trinity Foundation, went home to be with the Lord after months of battling with cancer by chemotherapy. Here is the unofficial statement from Tom Juodaitis regarding this sad state of affairs.

Dear Friends,

Thank you all for the outpouring of support and expressions of condolences to John Robbins’ family. We are very appreciative.

Many have asked about the future of The Trinity Foundation. I want to assure all that the Board of Directors and the Vice President are committed to continuing the work that Dr. Robbins began and continued for over 30 years. We will continue to publish The Trinity Review each month, as well as continue publishing books, especially the Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. We will continue to maintain The Trinity Foundation’s presence online (, updating and expanding it as the Lord blesses.

Thank you for your concern, support, and especially your prayers.

In Christ,

Tom Juodaitis
Vice President
The Trinity Foundation
The Bible alone is the Word of God.
August 15, 2008


  1. This is so sad.

    Robbins was a good man, one of the few who could think clearly.

    How old was he when he went to glory?

  2. Ooops, you've the answer in the title of this post. :P

  3. Vincent:

    yup, it's sad. Well, at least the Trinity Foundation is still up and running.

  4. Anonymous22/8/08 15:01

    Yup, very smart man! I very much enjoyed the free resources by Gordon Clark on Trinity's site and the material on the Federal Vision heresy.

  5. Ken:

    =). Do you happen by chance to read the material put out by Robert Reymond on the Federal Vision and the compromise within the PCA?

  6. Anonymous23/8/08 13:42

    no I haven't, but I'd be interested. I am from a PCA church, and that was the first thing I asked before regularly you adhere to Federal Vision.

  7. Ken:

    I see. The book can be bought from Trinity Foundation, but I have quite a few books to finish first before thinking about getting it. =)


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