Sunday, August 17, 2008

Announcement (UPDATE!)

Due to certain national commitments, I would be away for about 2 weeks from my blog. I will prepare perhaps one or two posts but that's it, and comments will be moderated during that time.

UPDATE: Due to some really stupid admin fault, it seems that they have canceld the ICT without informing me by any means whatsoever. So I lugged all my stuff (about 20kg I think) to camp on the other side of the Island, went there, and was told to go back because my name was not on the list as they have rescheduled my ICT!!


  1. Anonymous18/8/08 06:39

    Welcome contingent for the silver medalists? :-P

    Enjoy your ICT!

  2. Nah... combat training.

    Read my update to see how incompetent MINDEF admin is.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Beng:

    Eh.... sorry, I am a bit dense. Your point is?

  5. Apologies. In my rejoicing at my newfound freedom, I slipped into gloating.

    Please forgive me.

  6. Haha! Happy lah!

    As for me, a one week range this Sep 08 ... sianz lah ... and I'm sure there's a long in-camp in March 09. :(

  7. Beng:

    eh, no problem.


    well, MO pay should be quite good, no? ;)

  8. Eh ... it's only make-up pay. Still "rugi" siah. We go by the hour, but army pay calculated with Sundays in mind - which I don't work :P

  9. Anonymous20/8/08 15:56


    MO normally sit in office; even field exercise my MO relac one corner in his tent only...


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