Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Live-blogging report: John Avanzini and His Talking Stones

Ingrid Schlueter at Slice of Laodicea has posted an interesting write-up on her visit to the Word-faith event in which Ray Comfort has taken part in as a speaker.

It was a beautiful summer evening last Thursday as Tom and I headed from our hotel to Family Harvest Church in Tinley Park, Illinois. The Inspiring Excellence Conference was underway, and after hearing that Ray Comfort was speaking there, we decided to travel the short distance from Milwaukee to see what was going on. We were initially told by the church that Ray was speaking Friday night, but we learned after we arrived that he had already spoken, twice, on Tuesday.

We were somewhat early so we looked around at the book and DVD tables in the foyer. We saw John Avanzini’s Millionaire University DVD’s and in the bookstore, we saw more books promising us every financial and physical benefit if we will only follow the blow-dried wonder on the cover. One book on fitness featured a highly endowed blond in a tight t-shirt, flaunting her astonishing figure because she’d learned how to exercise God’s way. Interspersed among the personal enhancement books were an assortment of Ray Comfort books which looked somewhat odd in the middle of it all.

We made our way to the auditorium which had the stage lit up with colored lights. An usher gave me a dirty look so I put the camera away. Another usher came up to us as we were looking for seats and directed us toward the front. He grabbed my arm and looked into my eyes. “It’s warmer down closer to the FIRE!” he said and then laughed uproariously.

... [continue]


  1. Anonymous23/7/08 22:40

    This is also included in her latest podcast.

  2. Isaiah:

    yup, I am currently busy, so didn't have the time to listen in to her latest slicecast.

  3. They must have come to Singapore and read about the "magic stones" which are sold to gullible old ladies... except that they one-upped us and give them away by the bucketfuls.

  4. ...except that these stones need to be "activated" with a credit card donation ("reverse entrapment"), just like an iPhone 3G. American marketing ingenuity. Gotta take your hat off to that.

  5. Beng:

    Haha... I think these stones are eveywhere...

  6. Anonymous25/7/08 02:43

    I was wondering why the name John Avanzini looked so familiar and it dawned on me. Back when I checked out CHC for some of my posts, he was once invited to speak as a guest speaker and is even a teacher at their School of Theology!

    Time to sound another warning!

  7. Isaiah:

    you mean you didn't notice the first time, bro? You were the one blogging about Avanzini and CHC... haha.

  8. Anonymous26/7/08 04:21

    Yea, guess so. I'm a little distracted with some other issues so I am a little dull on the sides at the moment.


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