Monday, July 28, 2008

DA Carson talks

I would be going for the evening sessions of the upcoming Living Word 2008 Conference by DA Carson from this Tuesday to Thursday, held by the [conservative, not in communion with the apostate ECUSA] Anglicans, which should be quite interesting. Unfortunately, I didn't take leave so I could not go for the morning sessions, but the evening sessions would be a feast for sure.

Before the End: The Conquering Lamb, the Suffering Church & the Clash of Powers (Studies from the book of Revelation).

Synopsis: Is the world becoming a better place or is it getting worse? How should the church understand itself as it seeks to be faithful amidst the swirling currents of competing cultures, of nations and empires in conflict? Deploying the evocative imagery of apocalyptic symbolism, John the Prophet helps Christians in every generation to construct a frame of reference that is horrified by evil but never surprised by it, that cherishes the power of the gospel even while learning to live under the cross.

Dates: 29-31 July 2008 (Tuesday to Thursday)

Time: 7.45 – 9.45 pm

Venue: St Andrew’s Cathedral (Next to City Hall MRT)

29 July (Tuesday)
Rage, Rage, Against the Church (Revelation 12:1-13:1)

In apocalyptic language, John tells us what we learn elsewhere in the New Testament: the Christian's most fundamental enemies are not other people, but the powers of darkness. How then shall we cope and triumph?

30 July (Wednesday)
Antichrist and False Prophet (Revelation 13:1-18)

Some Christians around the world face brutal opposition and outright persecution; other Christians around the world are in danger of being seduced by false teaching and transient glitter. The dangers are different, yet they are one. How are we to respond?

31 July (Thursday)
Trajectories (Revelation 14)

There is a perennial danger of thinking that Christian life and thought pertain primarily to this world. But the whole of the New Testament is against this reductionism: there is a heaven to be gained and a hell to be shunned. These opposed trajectories mean that everything in this life has far more significance than we sometimes think

Hats-off to the Anglicans for organizing this conference, and moving in the right direction.


  1. Hi Daniel - I'm in Singapore this week. It is unlikely I get out of work early but if I do I will definitely try to attend. Thank you for posting the agenda.

  2. Hello Rick,

    sure. Hope to see you there too.

  3. I'm sad to report that I did not make it. I look forward to reading your insights.

  4. Rick,

    I'm sorry to hear that.


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