Sunday, May 11, 2008


Not too long ago, I decide to place some of my books up in my side bar under LibraryThing so as to help me consolidate my books. So far, I have placed 60+ books in there, but I guess more than half of my books have not been placed there yet, so anyway, feel free to see some of the books I have. I will be updating the list when I have the time to do so, which is probably when my new bookshelf arrives...

Note: You will notice that there are two lists there, one from Amazon and the other by LibraryThing. The one by LibraryThing is more comprehensive since there are certain books not sold by That's all.


  1. Anonymous20/5/08 15:36

    That's quite nice! I'm sharing mine over at Shelfari.

  2. Eh? Did you link to it from your blog?

  3. Anonymous24/5/08 21:12

    I used to, then I thought I'd be using too many widgets and I don't really like misc. info clotting up the main content. ;)

  4. I see. Oh well, we can't know how many books you currently have then... =P


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