Monday, April 14, 2008

Joesph Prince: Condemned by his own words

My brother sent me the link to one particular Joseph Prince sermon, which unfortunately has its embedding feature disabled. Fortunately, I have imported the video over to Multiply, which allows for embedding. So here's the video in all its 'glory'.






So after looking through, here's my analysis.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. (Gal. 1:8-9)

This has to be seen for the evidence it shows. Prince displayed his heresy here before the world, and it is deplorable. Since when did the word 'peace' in Jn. 14:26-27 meant 'health and propserity'? The New Testament was written in Greek not for no reason by the way. (Even in Hebrew shalom is concerned more with spiritual peace than materal propsperity!) And Prince has no problem with Yoga? With a Hindu religious exercise meant to connect the worshipper to be one with Brahman? You got to be kidding!

All Christians are advised to stay away from Joseph Prince, New Creation Church, and their doctrines. Prince is preaching a false gospel and a fase 'Christ'; a god who functions more like a heavenly Santa Claus rather than the true biblical God who demands our total surrender to Him. Prince, repent of your heresies while there is time, before you face the wrath of God against you for distorting His truth and sending souls to hell who are all the while thinking that they are going to heaven because of you!


  1. Anonymous25/4/08 18:29

    Yeah, I visited Prince's church a few times this past few months and he is just like the rest of the word-faith preachers. I thought maybe he'd be different from his quotes of Spurgeon and D.Martin Lloyd Jones in his latest book, but I was wrong. I also confronted one his ministers(asked questions)on Law Gospel distinction throughout scripture, but they are very antinomian! In a very sad way New Creation ministers chop and dice scripture up to suit their own doctrines that aren't in Scripture.

  2. Hello Ken,

    thanks for dropping by. It is sad. What is even sadder is that one of my friends who is attending that church, when warned of the heresies, thinks he can just 'filter' out the 'objectionable parts' of the message and get something out of it. I doubt that could be done, but most definitely it is a violation of Scripture to stay in a heretical church.

    Btw, you are in Singapore now?

  3. Anonymous26/4/08 19:17

    Hi, I was googling and found your blog. Well, your friend has one up on most that go there, because most don't even know what to filter out. I visited there and the opening message was make Jesus personal, because he said that, "I Am". And basically it wasn't about Jesus refering to his Lordship(Yahweh), that he is God, but it was make Jesus whatever you need. If you need healing, He is that or if you need money he is that. Totally taking the verse out of context and everyone was shouting with amens. Now as a Reformed christian I am not against healing or praying that God meets my needs, but to use a verse that's so important as in John and taking it out of was really sad!

    Yeah, I will be in Singapore for sometime. Very beautiful land here!


  4. Hello Ken,

    oh well, welcome to most of what calls itself Singapore Christianity then. =) Context matters little; only whether it is "inspiring" and (subjectively) "helpful" counts.

    And yes, welcome to Singapore. So which church are you going to while you are in Singapore?

  5. Anonymous27/4/08 20:26

    lol sounds like America! Though American charismatic maybe more hostle toward calvinism...except the reformed ones like Mark Driscol or Mahaney or Grudem. I visited Covenant Evangelical Free church today. I really don't know where to go. I grew up in a charismatic church and become reformed by one of the minister there. Well he turned me on to some work and then I found Spurgeon.

    For more than a year in Michigan I attended a Presbyterian Church(PCA)and very much enjoyed it. So I am looking for something Reformed, but I'm not shy enough to tell you that I do desire a somewhat charismatic setting also. Either I will find one or start one someday that honors Prostestant Reformed theology and is distincely charismatc. That is who I am and I'm not alone.


  6. Hello Ken, sounds interesting. You want to meet up? Please do email me (@ my gmail account)

  7. Hey brothers and sisters. Although I don't agree with all of Joseph Prince's doctrines and neither will I agree with all of yours. I think people are being unfair to condemn him. I see He is a man who loves christians and wants to help them. In the book revelation Jesus pointed out a group of christians who were doctrinally sound but had lost their first love. I see love in Joseph and am praying regularly for him to be empowered with even more love.. which will eventually bring greater teaching to us all. God bless you all brothers and sisters, do not be deceived trying to find a Christ on earth.. Trust in God and do not look to man.

  8. Martin,

    >Although I don't agree with all of Joseph Prince's doctrines and neither will I agree with all of yours.

    This means nothing at all. The question is: Does Prince preach a false gospel? If he does, he is under the curse and wrath of God, and it is my contention he does.

    >I see He is a man who loves christians and wants to help them

    What do you mean by the term "love"? Does love = having a smiling face and tickling your audience's ears while they are on the way to hell?

    >In the book revelation Jesus pointed out a group of christians who were doctrinally sound but had lost their first love

    Losing our first love is wrong, but having errant doctrine is similarly wrong, in fact worse since it is easier to regain your first love than to correct errant soul-damning doctrine.

    >I see love in Joseph...

    What "love"? The "love" of the Devil that he displayed when he 'showed concern' for poor Eve's ignorance of good and evil? The 'love' of the Pharisees who go all out to gain a proselyte yet make him twice a child of hell because of that (Mt. 23:15)?

    Martin, I urge you to read your through the Scriptures using a good translation like the ESV, not just lift a few texts here and there. Read the Word of God as whole chapters and books, then the Holy Spirit will show you what is the truth.

  9. I just cannot imagine a non christian reading this blog of yours.... Instead of glorifying Jesus, you started this subject and making all the rest of Christians wondering their faith and belief, and causes them to stumble? Making the non christian laughing at the christian. I thought only do the muslim do suicidal bombing.....hahaha.... Who is real and what is false? Are you God, the father? I wonder even if you are a Christian yourself... and which church you come from? I want to know, and I believe many want to know where you feeding from? Who is your great teacher? Tell us, please.

  10. I read your blog and find that you put in lots of effort. However, I suggest you find time to pray for yourself and your friends who might be stumble because of your daily comments. Instead of daily devotionals, yours is a daily comment about who and which church. What has it got to do with you honestly? If is wrong, God will not allow it. Your part is to know that who is God. Continue the good work to post good songs, good article that glorify Jesus. And the rest...keep it to yourself, PRAY for them instead of CRITICIZE. I thought God was the author of the bible. As for the rest, which includes you is only interpreting it. You might be wrong too. So, shhhhhhh, PRAY for those you think is wrong. At the same time, PRAY that what you think you have been believing is right.

  11. haiz:

    Can you please tell me: What exactly was Paul teaching in Acts 20:28-29? Also please exegete for us Jude 1:3.

    As for where I am feeding from, if by church you can find out by yourself on my blog homepage (that is, if you are not a drive-by commentor). If by example, try reading up the biographies and books by the following people:

    Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Owen, Charles Spurgeon, John Gresham Machen, Gordon Clark, John Robbins

    As for contemporaries, check out Dr. James White ( and Pastor-teacher John MacArthur for starters.

    And lastly, how do you know whether I have prayed or have not prayed? You don't, but just so you know, I have.

  12. General notice:

    I am getting quite sick and tired of Prince's defenders with the "interaction" (character assassination and insults) over on my other blog site. (If they would just spend half that energy and passion on defending God and His Word, how much could be done for Him!) My patience on this matter is on a short fuse, so unless someone wants to close the comment thread [post will still remain], please be civil and obey the rules of the blog.

  13. Errrr....i was not defending anyone. In fact, I praise your work. Plus, I also don't think God need a defender for His words. I was only saying, you could stumble those who dunno christianity.. God weeps to see his children condemning his other children using his weapon.

    Hmm, does it matter if i happened to drive by or drive through...

    You mean your church or rather, your pastor supported what you been writing or condemning about others?

    oops... this is getting worse. God has no eyes to see.

    I cannot find on your homepage on the church you attend but maybe you should let your church knows that their name is on your blog....hahaha

    God loves you... don't need to be so short fuse... if u think u r doing e most mighty deeds on earth.

  14. Errrr....i was not defending anyone. In fact, I praise your work. Plus, I also don't think God need a defender for His words. I was only saying, you could stumble those who dunno christianity.. God weeps to see his children condemning his other children using his weapon.

    Hmm, does it matter if i happened to drive by or drive through...

    You mean your church or rather, your pastor supported what you been writing or condemning about others?

    oops... this is getting worse. God has no eyes to see.

    I cannot find on your homepage on the church you attend but maybe you should let your church knows that their name is on your blog....hahaha

    God loves you... don't need to be so short fuse... if u think u r doing e most mighty deeds on earth.

  15. The part about you mentioning which church you from... my searching skills not so good...can you help...just tell me... i m curious.

  16. haiz:

    it is stated in the right-side column of even this page. Please use a bit of effort to scroll down and look at the links placed on my column; it is that easy.

  17. Daniel, you say "Since when did the word 'peace' in Jn. 14:26-27 meant 'health and propserity'? The New Testament was written in Greek not for no reason by the way. (Even in Hebrew shalom is concerned with spiritual peace not materal propsperity!)

    According to New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (V 2, P 777), "Throughout the Heb. OT salom covers well-being in the widest sense of the word (Jdg 19:20), prosperity (Ps 73:3), even in reference to the godless; bodily health (Isa 57:18; ps 38:3) contentedness, on departure (Gen 26:29), on going to sleep (Ps 4:8), and at death (Gen 15:15); good relations between nations and men (1 Ki 5:26; Jdg 4:17; 1 Chr 12:17, 18); salvation (Isa 43:7 Jer 29:11; Jer 14:13).

    The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament concurs with even more detail. It says (V 2, P 402) At root [shalom] means "well-being" with a strong emphasis on the material side.

    Both dictionaries carry this basic idea of peace through to the NT usage of the Greek word eirene.

    So, I would say that Jospeh Prince is on strong theological and scholarly footing with his statement about peace being "wellness, wholeness, completeness' and "a state of heath and well-being."

    As for his statement about mostly seems to be a joke.

    I feel your criticism of him on this point is invalid.

  18. Daniel,

    I have been studying "grace" and I came across Joseph Prince's books. In looking at his books I stumbled across your site.

    I read through most of what you have said about Joseph Prince and the comments on your articles.

    I also read your paper on "The Law and Gospel." I like what you wrote. Your paper is a good study on the book of Galatians.

    I do have a couple of questions.

    How would you apply your paper on the law and the Gospel to the teachings of Joseph Prince? I saw you applied it to Rick Warren's teaching and I am curious about how you would apply it to Prince.

    Much of what you write about how Paul uses Galatians to combat legalism seems to be similar to what Prince teaches.

    In what ways do you feel that Prince is teaching Antinomianism?

    Does your opposition to Prince mainly stem from his teaching on the "health and wealth" Gospel and his roots in Word of Faith teaching? Or are you opposed specifically to what he says about grace?

  19. @Dan King:

    >According to New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology &c

    The issue is not that Prince defines shalom wrongly, but that the semantic range of eirene is not necessarily equivalent to the semantic range of shalom. It is useless to state that Jesus spoke Aramaic or whatsoever, for the NT is inspired in Greek, not Aramaic. To interpret eirenen with the full meaning of shalom is to commit what D.A. Carson mentions as the fallacy of Unwarranted adoption of an expanded semantic field or Illigetimate Totality Transfer (Carson, Exegetical Fallacies, pp. 60-61). Also, it falls into problems relating to the Sematic background of the Greek New Testament. As Carson states:

    ... it is methodologically irresponsible to read the meaning of a Hebrew word into its Greek equivalent without furhter ado. (Carson, p. 62)

    >So, I would say that Jospeh Prince is on strong theological and scholarly footing with his statement about peace being "wellness, wholeness, completeness' and "a state of heath and well-being.

    NT professor Don Carson for one would beg to differ.

  20. @Dan King:

    >How would you apply your paper on the law and the Gospel to the teachings of Joseph Prince?

    It does not apply because Galatians is addressing one problem - legalism, which Prince does not have a problem with.

    >Much of what you write about how Paul uses Galatians to combat legalism seems to be similar to what Prince teaches.

    Yes of course. But similarity does not imply congruency or same-ness.

    >In what ways do you feel that Prince is teaching Antinomianism?

    That is a post all by itself, which I do not really have much time for, plus my copy of Prince's book is currently with my friend. I will just say that Prince does not preach about the evils of specific sins and denies the necessity of repentance in the lives of Christians, contra 1 Jn. 1:9.

    >Does your opposition to Prince mainly stem from his teaching on the "health and wealth" Gospel and his roots in Word of Faith teaching?

    That is one aspect.

    >Or are you opposed specifically to what he says about grace?

    Or rather, what he says about grace as it functions in relation to the Law.

  21. Daniel, your statement, "Even in Hebrew shalom is concerned with spiritual peace not material prosperity!" is wrong according to the quote I gave you from the Dictionary of NT Theology.

    As for "the semantic range of eirene", TDNT says "If the main sense of the Gk word eirene is a state of rest, the Heb shalom contains the thought of well-being and salvation. Since then, the LXX uses eirene for almost all the shalom passages in the OT, and for these alone, it is natural that the contents of the Heb term should have penetrated into the Gk. (V 2, P 406). It goes on to say, "In the NT the meaning of eirene is much the same as that of the Rabbinic shalom." (V 2, P 411) So, for this particular word, the NT scholar Foerster begs to differ with Don Carson.

    Jesus spoke in a specific historical context. His Hebrew listeners would have understood his words in the context of their culture. Furthermore, the Greek writers of the NT would have definitely been influenced by the way words were used in the LXX, the Greek translation of the OT. .

    My main point is that your sarcastic attack on Prince is completely unwarranted on his use of the word “peace.”

  22. @Dan King:

    "much the same" is not the same as "the same". You strain too much to make TNDT agree with your point. At least from your citation, the entry for "eirene" in TNDT did not mention anything about material propsperity.

    Just FYI, Don Carsn is a NT scholar at TEDS (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School).

  23. There are 19 pages worth of info on peace in the TDNT. I can't type it all out for you to look at but I will continue my quote from TDNT v. 2, P 402.

    "In many...instances shalom really signifies bodily health or well-being and the related satisfaction. More commonly shalom is refered to a group, e.g. a nation enjoying prosperity."

    Again, regardless of what else you disagree with him about, Prince is on solid scholarly ground with his definition of "peace."

  24. @Dan King:

    nobody is disputing that shalom can mean material propserity. What you have to do is either to show that eirene is stated explicitly to mean that, or that there is total semantic equivalence between eirene and shalom.

  25. Daniel,

    When you say "nobody is disputing that shalom can mean material prosperity" you forget that you said that very thing. Your direct quote is: "(Even in Hebrew shalom is concerned with spiritual peace not materal prosperity!)"

    You say, "What you have to do is either to show that eirene is stated explicitly to mean that." My prior quotes from TDNT do establish a scholarly opinion that eirene as used in the NT carries the meaning of the Hebrew shalom.

    There is not, of course," total semantic equivalence between eirene and shalom." There never can be between two different languages.

    However, Jesus was a Jew who was speaking to Jews. He would have spoken in either Hebrew or Aramaic. The word he used (probably shalom) would have been understood in the context of his language and culture. You are completely minimizing this fact.

    Yes, God chose for the NT to be written in Greek, perhaps because it was the common language of the time. But, God also chose to send Jesus to a chosen people who had a rich tradition over several thousand years that colored their understanding of shalom.

    When Jesus said, "My peace I give you", he did not use the Greek word eirane, he probably used the Hebrew word shalom. His listeners would have heard Hebrew and understood it in the Hebrew context.

    Thus, it valid to explain shalom in the context that Jesus used it.

  26. @Dan King:

    error removed. Yet you insist on making the Aramiac meaning determinative of Scripture, showing your false view of the inspiration of Scripture. ALL Scripture is God-breathed, not Scripture as we think it should be said.

  27. After listening to this message .... I would be inclined to say, YOU might be the kind of person the bible speaks of who deceives others in the Last Days!

    First... the word “Peace/ Shalom” – Shows in the Strongs Concordance that this word here means – a state of Health, well being and Prosperity ... And yes, the New Testament was written in Greek, BUT you must remember that Jesus was Speaking to JEWS, and the LANGUAGE they were speaking was Aramaic Hebrew. To the Jew this word Shalom means; wellness, wholeness and peace of mind! Jesus was not leaving just any kind of peace as the world gives! He was leaving HIS peace, the resurrected Christ was leaving HIS peace! His peace would encompass all ... Peace in Health, Peace in Well being, Peace in Prosperity.... Jesus is NOT talking about the kind peace the world gives but the kind that JESUS gives!

    Second... regarding “Yoga” – If you listen again with an open heart... you’ll hear Joseph Prince say, “So it’s not a worldly peace that comes from,... through Yoga meditation”.... “Our peace can not depend on a posturing or breathing”.... “pardon me for teasing”.... So when Joseph Prince said, “I’m not against all that”... he was KIND not to offend those who might practice Yoga! Just as the apostle Paul was careful when addressing topics that were from the old law or pagan practices. If I were talking to a person who has an addiction, after telling them Jesus gives you peace that this addiction could never give you.... I wouldn’t continue to focus on the vise or make the person feel like the rest of us look at them like they’re an idiot for thinking they can find peace through addiction! Joseph Prince continues to speak what Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled”!.

    Many Christians don’t agree with this kind teaching because from their own Christian experience they can testify in their own lives, that they love Jesus but yet they have no peace, health, wellness, prosperity, Or they might have a little peace in one area but still fearful in other areas! Before Jesus died on the cross, he healed people, cast out demons, calmed an actual storm, turned real water into wine, healed the soldiers ear that Peter cut off, raised Lazarus from the dead, fed thousands with a small amount of bread and fish, he fed the birds, clothed the Lillies of the field, and so much more! Jesus said, He Is the SAME Yesterday and Is the SAME Today and Will Be the SAME Tomorrow! NOW that he is the resurrected Christ.... THIS is the PEACE HE GIVES US! Jesus tell us to ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE!

    What kind of earthly father would give there child only a hug when there child is hungry! Love is not just a hug but an action. That earthly daddy if he loved his child would do all that he could to feed his child! JUST THINK..... HOW MUCH MORE DOES OUR DADDY, GOD.... want to give you? .... Just a “little peace”, when you’re fearful??? .... Just a little morsel of food when you’re starving??? .... Just $10 when your utility bill is $200??? That would be a CRUEL father!!! As a Christian .... GOD is our heavenly Father... we cry.... DADDY.... and He’s right there to help.... He can help with a miracle or He can GIVE YOU IDEAS and GIVE YOU WISDOM to prosper in business... in health.... The problem is most Christians have their hands closed, arms folded not able to take all that the Father wants to give! Don't hate your brother's and sister's in Chrit that choose to take ALL that Daddy wants to freely give!

  28. @wenty12:

    First of all, can we agree to look at the text of Scripture and base our theology from it? If not, this is a waste of time.

    >the word “Peace/ Shalom” – Shows in the Strongs Concordance that this word here means – a state of Health, well being and Prosperity

    That is not the point. Simply saying that shalom has one meaning of material health and well being and THEN importing it into all occurances where shalom occurs first of all commits the exegetical fallacy called illegitimate totality transfer. This is like saying that the English word "tablet" has one meaning of "small portable rectangular computer with a large touch screen" and then insisting that when I say "I have take two tablets of aspirin" and then insist on defining the word "tablet" the same way?

    >And yes, the New Testament was written in Greek, BUT you must remember that Jesus was Speaking to JEWS, and the LANGUAGE they were speaking was Aramaic Hebrew.

    That is irrelevant. What is inspired is the New Testament in Greek, not the nuances of Hebrew and Aramiac. The Holy Spirit is the perfect interpretor of Jesus' original sayings. If Jesus meant by "peace" health and wholeness in the Aramaic, the Holy Spirit would have caused the writers to use a different Greek word indicating that, instead of ειρηνη.

    >To the Jew this word Shalom means; wellness, wholeness and peace of mind!

    Since when did you become an expert in second-temple Jewish psychology?

    >He was leaving HIS peace, the resurrected Christ was leaving HIS peace!

    Of course, it is the peace that surpasses understanding. (Phil. 4:6-7) It is the peace that gives the martyrs hope and confidence as they burn alive in Nero's garden. It is the peace that is heavenly, not the type of eathly "material wholeness" which evidently large segments of Christians, both in the ancient church and even now in many countries where Christians face persecution everyday, do not have. It is a strange type of "peace" you advocate that only Christians in well-off nations "possess."

    >he was KIND not to offend those who might practice Yoga!

    Does this look like the attitude of Jesus when he overturned the tables in the temple courts? How can a pastor says that he is kind in not offending those who practiced idolatry, which Yoga is?

    >Jesus said, He Is the SAME Yesterday and Is the SAME Today and Will Be the SAME Tomorrow!

    You have totally misquoted and misapplied Heb. 13:8. That saying is to ground the teachings of Jesus which the author tolds us not to be let away by diverse and strange teachings (v. 9). It says nothing whatsoever of whether Jesus operates similarly or differently now. In fact, since Jesus is now in heaven, he operates differently now than when he was on earth.

    >What kind of earthly father would give there child only a hug when there child is hungry!

    Precisely. God the Father does not pamper his children with the fleeting goods of the world to spoil them. He gives His children things which are much better - the gifts of the Spirit leading towards godliness and maturity. Your god is too earthly and too carnal, being too focused on material things and the filling of the belly (Phil. 3:19).


    God is not "daddy." You demean God the Father by bringing Him down to your level. (

    One thing should be clear from this exchange. Your god is not my God. I have argued my case from Scripture using reason and refuted your allegations. I exhort you to repent of your embrace of false teachings and of the false teacher Joseph Prince, and turn to the true Christ and God (not "daddy god") for salvation. Apart from belief in the true God, there is no hope of salvation. May the Holy Spirit work faith in your heart.

  29. No expert but having Jewish friends helps! Rom 8:15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba, Father” If the word Abba meant Father it would have been written as Father, Father! Seems the Holy Spirit was careful to not have the word Abba translated into Father. God wants us to see that Abba is the most intimate way to address a Father! Even today Jewish children address their father as Abba, Daddy, Pa-Pa! Unless you can call God, your Daddy or Pa-Pa then you have what Paul speaks of in Romans 8, a spirit of bondage again to fear! Bondage like a slave fears a master! God wants His children to have an intimate relationship with him!

    You said “It is the peace that gives the martyrs hope and confidence as they burn alive in Nero's garden. It is the peace that is heavenly not the type of earthly material wholeness which evidently large segments of Christians both in the ancient church and even now in many countries where Christians face persecution everyday do not have. It is a strange type of "peace" you advocate that only Christians in well-off nations possess."

    Don’t equate real martyrs to starving or sickness! Jesus said “If you then, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” This proves God meets EARTHLY needs.This Peace is STRANGE to those who don’t know this Jesus and surpasses All understanding. “Give us this day our daily bread”, Jesus the Provider fed 5000 real food! Disciples complained not catching any fish, Jesus the Provider met their needs with real fish! Jesus is not a Liar

    Jesus in the temple- When it came to religious hypocrites He was harsh when it came to sinners he was kind! God LOVED the world He gave HIS ONLY Begotten Son Jesus to DIE on the Cross. False Doctrine is; Jesus is not the Christ, not the ONLY begotten Son of God, not Born from a virgin, not the only way to God, etc. A great Christian said, “when you take the text out of context, all you’re left with is a con”!

    You said “It says nothing whatsoever of whether Jesus operates similarly or differently now. In fact since Jesus is now in heaven he operates differently now than when he was on earth”

    You have no scriptures to back up the heresy! Jesus wasn’t telling bed time heavenly stories when he He said,“If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” Do you see that word heaven? He’s in Heaven we are on the earth!

    You- “God the Father does not pamper his children with the fleeting goods of the world to spoil them. He gives His children things which are much better-the gifts of the Spirit leading towards godliness and maturity.Your god is too earthly and too carnal being too focused on material things and the filling of the belly Phil. 3:19”

    My GOD Creator of the Universe, His Only Begotten Son Jesus, said “If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” This verse blows your theory! “HOW MUCH MORE WILL YOUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN GIVE GOOD THINGS to those who ASK”! Our Father waits for us to ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE! My God is focused, He numbers my hair, knew me in my mothers womb! James said, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: visit orphans and widows in their trouble” this shows earthly needs to be met. Who are you to say HOW God meets their need? If by a miracle, job or person! Who are you to say WHAT God chooses to pamper His children with! Get off your self-righteous throne!

    I am happy to report I do not worship your god! One thing is clear the Jesus I serve is the Only Begotten Beloved Son of God, He is my Savior I know in Whom I serve where I Cry ABBA, Daddy, Father! All is well with my soul! I urge you to know this Jesus!

  30. @twenty12:

    >No expert but having Jewish friends helps!

    And modern Jews are expert in what Jews during Jesus' time believed in? Please!

    >Don’t equate real martyrs to starving or sickness!

    Of course I don't. In the real world, matyrs starve and get sick. Perhaps you wish to visit places like North Korea and Iran before you start promoting such nonsense.

    >If you then, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

    You misquote the verse. The verse is talking aout the provision of God for His children, not God pampering His children with Mercedes and fat pay checks and perfect health.

    >When it came to religious hypocrites He was harsh when it came to sinners he was kind!

    Agreed. So promoting practicing Yoga - a pagan practice- evidently for you is not sin.

    >You have no scriptures to back up the heresy!

    On the contrary, the truth of the matter is so simple that your belief is heresy. One does not have to be a Bible expert to read Jn. 15-17 and how Jesus is now absent from the earth and ministered to Christians through the Holy Spirit.

    >My GOD Creator of the Universe.

    That is not your God; you worship the Devil, Lucifer, who is your father, the father of lies. I have quoted Bible verses, whereas all you have is mere emotional venting.

    >Get off your self-righteous throne!

    More emotional venting. No citation and interactions with Scripture.

    >I am happy to report I do not worship your god!

    That I totally agree. Your god is the god of this world, made in your image to promote your carnal desires. Your god has no basis whatsoever in Scripture, and you yourselves show that to be the case by not interacting with the Bible.

    >He is my Savior I know in Whom I serve

    “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ (Matthew 7:21-23 ESV)

    Works of lawlessness - those without law. Such are those who follow Prince, the one who preaches against the Law of God.

    > I Cry ABBA, Daddy, Father!

    I see you have NOT interacted with the article that I have linked to which proved decisively that Abba is not Daddy. Proves to me again that for the deluded Prince fans, truth matters not.

    >All is well with my soul!

    According to your deluded mind. I'm sorry that your soul and mind has been so blinded by the Devil that your cannot even read what the Word of God so plainly teaches.

    >I urge you to know this Jesus!

    I urge you to know the true Jesus, the Jesus of the Bible, not your make-belief god. May the Holy Spirit have mercy upon your soul and bring you to repentance and true faith.

  31. @twenty12:

    let me remind you again that commenting is a privilege. I have called upon you to interact with the passages of Scripture, not engage in more emotional venting.

    Rule number 5 for commenting is as follows:
    5) Anyone who persistently refuses to interact with the points raised to his objection may have their subsequent comments deleted.

    Since you persist in your delusion, your comment is deleted. May God have mercy and show you your wretched state, for it is only sinners who need a savior, not those who presume on the grace of God.

    The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son,
    (John 5:22 ESV)

    Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. (Revelation 19:11-16 ESV)

    It is not Satan who will finally judge you. Sadly, you will be condemned to the Lake of Fire by Jesus Himself, Jesus the Judge, the one who comes in terror to punish all who are still in their sins. Uunless you repent you will perish in your sins.

    Not that you will listen to me anyway, but I as a future minister of the Gospel once again call upon you now to repent of your sins and turn to Christ. I'll leave you to God who alone can save your soul from perdition.

  32. Watch it Bro.
    Is your blog really helpful, or is it making people wander about with their baby faith.
    Let God speak.............................

  33. You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.Show results as for the man of God, i salute him.

  34. @Buzu,

    that is a misuse of Romans 2:1. As Pastor Paul Washer say to those who misuse "Judge not": "Twist not Scripture lest ye be like Satan."

    Prince is a heretic, and is deceiving many people into hell. He is no man of God but a liar and deceiver; that is all.


This is my blog, and in order to facilitate an edifying exchange, I have came up with various blog rules. Please do read them before commenting, as failure to abide by them would make your post liable to being unapproved for publication. Violation of any of the rules three or more times, or at the blog owner's judgment, would make one liable to be banned from posting unless the blog owner (me) is satisfied that such behavior would not occur again.