Saturday, March 15, 2008

Song: How Great is Your love

Here is a great song by Mark Altrogge © 1991 Integrity's Music


Verse 1:
No eye has seen and no ear has heard
and no mind has ever conceived
the glorious things that you have prepared
for everyone who has believed;
You brought us near and you called us your own,
and made us joint heirs with your Son.

How high and how wide
how deep and how long
how sweet and how strong is your love;
How lavish your grace
how faithful your ways
how great is your love, O Lord!

Verse 2:
Objects of mercy, who should have know wrath,
we're filled with unspeakable joy,
riches of wisdom, unsearchable wealth,
and the wonder of knowing your voice;
You are our treasure and our great reward,
our hope and our glorious King.

[Mirror here]

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