Friday, March 21, 2008

Blessed Good Friday and Easter

To all my readers, have a blessed Good Friday and Easter Sunday too. Let us continue to recall the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf, and to bask in the sovereign, particular and free love he has for each one of His people.

At last, one of the few vids without any images of Jesus. As I have grown, I am starting to detest all such imagery, be it the Passion or otherwise, but most especially in such Music video format. It is a violation of the Second Commandment you know, and we all know that the actor is not Jesus anyway.


  1. Anonymous22/3/08 01:27

    I totally agree with you on that point. I have to stop myself sometimes thinking wicked thoughts of going into a rampage smashing those statues that purportedly represent our Lord Jesus Christ. ;-)

    And, yes, videos with either scenes of that Passion movie (by Mel Gibson) and someone acting as Jesus put me off too.

    Our Lord is RISEN! Hallelujah!

  2. Blessed Good Friday and Easter to you too, Daniel.

    Just wondering, what are your thoughts on the portrayal of Jesus in classic films such as William Wyler's "Ben-Hur"? His face is never shown in the movie.

    Or perhaps an image of Jesus in a church's stained-glass window, a Rembrandt, or an image in the Bible. Do these necessarily violate the Second Commandment?

    Most Christians I know do not use these images in an idolatrous way.

  3. Isaiah:

    Iconoclastic rage =)


    I think the protrayal in those films are fine, but that's my opinion.

    As for stained-glass and art, I think they do in a certain sense violate the Second Commandment, but I would be less concerned about them unless they are used in Church (ie Status, stain-glass windows in churches, icons etc.) After all, if they are not found in church, there is less likelihood that people will use them as idol representation of God and Jesus Christ.

    And I am against images of our Lord in the Bible. I'm sure they can do a photo Bible without trying to draw our Lord (ie make the image fuzzy etc.).

    Just my two cents worth.


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