Thursday, January 03, 2008

Direction for the year 2008

Well, with this new year, I think it would be good to set some direction, both for my life and for this blog.

With the growing apostasy in visible Christianity, I feel the growng need for godly men to step up to answer the call for the defense of the Gospel. Yet, I know my flaws, and only God can work in me to prepare me if He does indeed call me into such a work. But at least there are some things I can and should do:

1) Pray and intercede. I think I need to work on that more. Not that I do not pray, but I think I should be praying more than the amount of time I currently spend talking to God.

2) Linked to that, I would be praying for God's direction. Unfortunately, perhaps, some of my gifts are generally not appreciated by the churches, and this is compounded by various issues. Yes, I would love to serve God and the Church, but I would not compromise just to get an opportunity to serve. (If I were to do so, I am sure there are many opportunities to serve, yet what witness would I be giving before God?)

And as for blog direction, I guess I should choose a general theme for this year to guide my posts. The theme would be: Holiness and the Fear of God. Although I have various projects in mind (and one currently ongoing), I would try to focus my attention to this theme. As I have written earlier, the primary and most fundamental reason why we are having this mess in the first place is because of a lack of the fear of God because we have forgotten about God and His holiness, and the fact that He is the Sovereign King. We have jettisoned God's standards in the name of so-called 'liberty', and redefine the faith to be about us (anthropocentric). As such, I hope to:

1) Post on various aspects of Christian living, and contrast the ways of the compromised churches with the definition and standard of Scripture

2) Exegete through the books of Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel. I would try to make this a weekly feature, and thus posts my insights as I study the Scriptures.

May God help me to do all these, and that I should be spent for the praise and the glory of His great name alone. Amen.


  1. Anonymous8/1/08 02:31

    That's a great direction to go, Daniel. I very much look forward to reading your posts on Holiness and the Fear of God.

    I am very sure that I'll be learning some very good lessons from your insights. Personally, I am striving harder to live a life worthy of being called a disciple of Christ this year.

    God bless, and Shalom!

  2. Thanks Isaiah for the kind words.


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