Friday, November 16, 2007

Gay and Lesbian Bible?

Well, if suppressing the truth isn't enough, certain so-called 'Christian' homosexuals have decided to distort the Word of God by publishing their own version of the Bible which condone their sin. Of course, such people would be judged most severely by God for this abomination. Let it be said, however, that this version of theirs is blatently unscholarly by any proper usage of the term. Just look at their 'translational' philsophy, and you will see a biasness at work.

A new translational philosophy has now been invented. Formerly, higher critics cast doubt on the historicity of the words of Scripture. Liberals outrightly deny the inerrancy of Scripture. 'Evangelical' leftists and Liberation theologians among others emphasize certain portion of the Scriptures way above others which distorts and corrupts the Christian message. Other liberals like Robert Schuller and his protege Bill Hybels meanwhile utilize data-mining tactics to make the Bible 'relevant' and pragmatic to people. Rick Warren utilizes 13 different translations to proof text his ideology. So now, the latest trend is to interpret and alter the meaning of the words of Scripture according to concepts in non-canonical books like the apocrypal and pseudepigrapha books, of course also looking selectively at ancient Greek literature. And they call this the 'latest scholarship'?!!

And it seems as conspiracy theories abound (again!). The looney left is now accusing the 'Religious Right' of mistranslation of the Scriptures, as if the Religious Right has anything to do with the translation of the Scriptures. Perhaps they may want to see how the Scriptures were translated by people who are not of the Religious Right, a group which only came into existence around the late 20th century. Read how the early church fathers as well as the Reformers and the Puritans interpreted the texts in question.

Anyway, let's see how long will it take before the gay apologists start trying to use such trash against us... And let's see how many apostasizing 'christians' would join in.

[HT: A Little Leaven]

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