Monday, October 22, 2007

Utter hypocrisy of the pro-homosexual secularists

Of course, this is not something new. Most of our secular and humanistic opponents are hypocrites when it comes to such matters. Their irrationality is evident to all but the most blinded of fools. Anyway, I have browsed quickly through the various comments with regard to the homosexual S377a issue, and it seems that sooner or later, some naive Christian will comment and apply Christian morality on the issue. The pro-homosexual secularist will inevitably shoot the naive person down by using the time-honed weapon of ad hominem name-calling, followed by accusations of intolerance and imposition of THEIR morality on them.

Of course, such people never truly think. If they do think logically, they would not be pro-homosexual secularists anyway. Their depraved, fallen minds are so degenerate that they fulfil the Scriptures exactly in Rom. 1:24, 26, 28, and in Ps. 14:1-2 . They are exactly as what the Scripture say they are, that 'Claiming to be wise, they became fools' (Rom. 1:22). And how is that so? Let us look.

Those depraved and wicked people slander us by charging us with imposing our morality on them. Yet, isn't what they are doing imposing their own (im)morality on us and others also? We have never said that we are without bias, but those people, by sanctimoniously declaring themselves unbiased, fair and tolerant, are actually the most intolerant and most bigoted people around. Furthermore, since they claim to be tolerant while intolerantly attacking others, they are the worst types of hypocrites! Hypocrisy is always wrong, but epistemological hypcrisy is the worst type since it redefines even the concept of hypocrisy! Those secular pro-sodomite humanists are the actual intolerant ones imposing their (im)morality on others who disagree with them. If they are so tolerant, they should just shut their mouths and stop FORCING everybody to accept their abominable lifestyle.

Of course, I do not expect any of these people to be convinced of these arguments. Logical reasoning can never persuade anyone who is so in love with his/her own sin and who follows the depraved longings of his/her sinful nature. If precedents can be trusted, the most the secular homanists can muster is ad-hominem rhetoric and character assissination. Of course, I haven't received any death threats yet, unlike in the West, but I wouldn't be surprised that these 'tolerant' and 'loving' people will do such a thing if they can get away with it.

In the meantime, dearly beloved of the Lord, do not be afraid of these people. For it is written,

In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there. But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace (Ps. 37:10-11)

We do not have to worry much about these people, because their doom is certain and their time short. They will never ultimately succeed, because God is still sovereign, regardless of whether He is acknowledged as King. For

He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying, “As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” (Ps. 2:4-6)

God will not be thwarted. Evil men tried and will continue to try to go against God, but He who is high and lofty scorns at their futile attempts. And their end is destruction (2 Peter 2:1,3, 17).

As for us, we can rest secure in this knowledge, and continue to serve God in doing the good works He has given us to do (Eph. 2:10). And we should follow the admonition of Jude with regards to such people:

And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh (Jude 22-23)



  1. The difference you're ignoring is that homosexuals are NOT trying to persecute, stigmatize, criminalize, or discriminate against heterosexuals, nor are they trying to change your behavior. They simply want to live and let live. You are trying to impose your beliefs on them and punish them simply for being who they are. Nobody chooses to be homosexual more than any other oppressed minority group chooses to be black, Jewish, Asian, female, poor or what have you.

    "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:43)

    You are among the persecutors, not the persecuted.

  2. I'll allow this once, but whoever it is just note that you are in violation of rule number 4. Any further violation would immediately mean rejection of further comments. If you cannot take responsibility for your comments, don't post!

    Anyway, what planet are you from? Homosexuals espeically in the West have persecuted Christians. And we have documentation. Just ask the Swedish pastor Ake Green who was nearly jailed if not for the international outcry against the bigotry of homosexuals.

    And no, homosexuals are not born homosexuals. That is a lie homosexuals and their liberal allies would like us to believe in. As it is written,

    For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. For their women gave up national relations for those that contrary to nature, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing indecent acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Rom. 1:26-27)

    Homosexuals choose to be homosexuals. They choose to be homosexual in the same way as a murderer choose to murder another person. That is a fact, and you know it deep in your conscience. And that is why you homosexuals seek to impose your immorality on all others, because your conscience keeps on torturing you and is roused everytime we remind you of your sin.

    And your hypocrisy is evident even within your comment. Just what are you trying to do by so posting unless you are trying to change my behavior [posts and remarks are behavior]? Yet you claim that you are not trying to change my behavior?! And since you ARE trying to change my behavior, aren't you imposing your (im)morality on me? Yet you sanctimoniously claim to be so 'tolerant' and pontificate about how much I am trying to impose my beliefs on other, while you are hypocritically doing the same! Please, stop the charade. You only make yourself look foolish. Admit what you are trying to do, and stop thinking you are the most tolerant person in the world! You are most assuredly NOT, not even close!

  3. Hello, I'm not the same person who commented earlier. I have been quietly reading your blog for a while, and thought I had to chime in. I take issue with your comment that "... homosexuals are not born homosexuals. That is a lie homosexuals and their liberal allies would like us to believe in.".

    It is difficult for heterosexuals to understand because they generally do not experience the same temptations as homosexuals do.

    Of the homosexuals I have spoken to, many were aware of their aberrant sexuality at a young age, and they tried very hard to reject it and lead a heterosexual life. It would appear that they were born with homosexual inclinations. You could also do further research to corroborate this. It was only when they became Christian, that God regenerated their hearts and allowed them to turn away from the homosexual sin (1 Cor 6:9-11). This is true because I know Christians who were born with homosexual inclinations, trying their best to lead a heterosexual lifestyle.

    Does this mean they are fully cured now? Of course not; not until Jesus returns. They still have homosexual temptations once in a while (the regenerated heart is constantly struggling against the sinful flesh) -- the difference is that they now have the ability to choose not to act on these temptations, and consequently sin less (although they still sin - we all do).
    It is not a sin to be tempted.

    I generally enjoy reading your previous posts, albeit you have the tendency to be acerbic at times, particularly this post which I found somewhat unbalanced.

  4. Hello Q:

    it seems I need to clarify myself. I said that it is a lie that people are born as homosexuals, I have never said that it is a lie that there are people who are born with a propensity for homosexuality. The former is a statement suggesting that there are people who born homosexuals and can't help but be homosexual, while the second denies that but recognize the fact that certain people may be more prone to homosexual temptations. Just because I did not mention the second statement does not mean that I deny it; what I said I deny is only the first one.

  5. I hope you realise now that some of your statements may be clear to you, but not to all.

    But I understood you...


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