Sunday, October 21, 2007

Vagueness, clarity and boldness

Although both the Pyromaniacs and CRN have utilized this Youtube video against the Emerging Church Movement, I thin it is VERY appropriate to widen the net to include all New Evangelicals also. This is sadly the sitation in many churches here in Singapore too, as many professed Christians, especially "full time workers" are so 'aggresively inarticulate' (to use a term in the video) that they do not take a stand on anything, but behave exactly like (evan)jellyfishes.

As an experiment, you may want to try the following:

1) Try asking your pastor or any pastor or full-time worker whether they have a stand on any clear issue mentioned in Scripture (ie women being elders, the Doctrines of Grace, publicly calling out heretics etc.)

2a) If they have no stand on these clear Biblical issues, they are Evanjellyfishes.

2b) If they have a stand (regardless of whether it is right or wrong), ask them whether they will enforce it. Use real life cases where possible (ie ask them whether it is biblical to call out David (Paul) Yongi Cho as a heretic), and why.

2bi) If they will not or do not enforce it, they do not truly have a stand on the issue, only an opinion. As such, they are Evanjellyfishes.

2bii) If they say they will and/or do enforce it, either (1) they really will or do enforce it, in which they are one of the rare people, or (2) they are lying.

Note: Parts of it is hyperbole. I am NOT asking you to criticize all your church leaders, nor to rebel against them.


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