Thursday, October 25, 2007


[Post deleted]


  1. Hey, what is this all about?

    Firstly, you have rules. Unfortunately, the only one who can police them is YOU. You can delete, reject, but you cannot stop the comments coming in. Live with that...

    Secondly, I have little problems with criticisms aimed at people. What I take issue is when one makes sweeping statements - esp. when such a person has little knowledge or experience to make these statements.

    Daniel, I am NOT trying to provoke you so that you would write such a post. As much as you would like to show leadership and discernment on your blog, you need to mature as a Christian first... That takes time and experience.

  2. Jenson:

    No, you are not the primary instigator of this post; you are just the figurehead. Some anonymous person pledge unity with you cause and cursed me for my post. Yes, perhaps on hindsight I should have just ignore them.

    And my statement, while seemingly sweeping, does have some basis. I am not making such a statement based on fabrications. I have been to a couple of churches of various denominations, and read some of their denomination-linked ministry magazines, so perhaps you should stop treating me as if I am fabricating this whole story?

    Also, fyi, my post on the Evanjellyfishes have nothing whatsoever to do with the subsequent post on contending for the faith, if that's what anybody is thinking. Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are unlinked. Also, note I said 'New Evangelical churches', so perhaps you should think about what kind of churches I am referring to. Don't always make assumptions!

  3. First rule in Christian behaviour: "Love your enemies". No matter how one looks at it, the verse is still there. You have demostrated that you can fight with the enemies of God, have you love them as well?

    I do not doubt your statements. The situation here is as colourful as it will be in Singapore. But the true believers is such churches will be inevitably become your "targets", though they may have their own reasons for staying in their denominations/churches.

    (Read a bit on the controversy between Martyn Lloyd Jones and John Stott in 1966)

    I never make assumptions about you, I just read them.

  4. Jenson,

    I agree that we are to love our enemies.

    With regards to the statement:

    "may have their own reasons for staying in their denominations/ churches"

    Could you kindly elighten me as to how you can square this with the doctrine of seperation? And no, I don't think Frank Turk's posts answer this question, so don't direct me to his posts.

  5. Daniel,

    There are historic denominations here in UK (maybe less so in Singapore for various reasons beyond the scope of this comment), where we have genuine believers showing great loyalty to their church or denomination - even though the church/denomination has gone either liberal, hypercalvinistic or charismatic.

    When I was at HTB (place where Alpha Course was birth) for about 9 months, I remember meeting very godly older folk, who love the Word, but have to put up with all the "stuff" going on there.

    A few months ago, I believe they buried one of the last few remaining "Chapel-men/women" (i.e. Westminster Chapel men who were under Dr. Marytn Lloyd Jones's ministry, who passed away in 1981). How they put up with RT Kendall and Greg Haslam, I do not know.

    I could go on, but hope you get my drift. I totally agree to the doctrine of separation, but that must be done so with great care, so as not to create unnecessary stumbling blocks.

    PS: I could tell from your posts who you read your theology from, with terms like "skubalon" and "obviously". But who is Frank Turk?

  6. Jenson,

    > I could tell from your posts who you read your theology from, with terms like "skubalon" and "obviously".

    Either it is subconscious or I am missing something. Please kindly enlighten me who do you think I am reading my theology from.

    > But who is Frank Turk?

    Frank Turk, aka Centurion, is one of the contributors to the Pyromaniacs team blog. He is currently doing a series on why you should stay in your local church even though it may go somewhat off the rails. I assume you do read Pyromaniacs, don't you?

  7. I rememebered Phil Johnson labouring on that word "Skubalon" (Phil 3) on a Sunday morning service at the Met Tab, and elsewhere. I think most would have understood the English word in the AV - "Dung".

    I don't read Pyromaniacs as often as I used to. Like I have said many times before, never study theology from the blogs. Spend your money on good books and do your own hard work.

    I enjoy your latest reports about DA Carson. That is fresh, reporting facts, and giving observations. I wish Christian blogs were more of that sort.
