Sunday, October 14, 2007

Homofascist advances

Looks like the United Kingdom [of Sodom and Gomorrah] has decided that if you can't win against the truth civilly, you must persecute the truth. A new fascist anti-hate-crime law is being promoted by the British government which would open the floodgates to throw true Bible-believing Christians into jail simple because they obey Christ. I shudder as I think about what will happen if such a thing were to happen to Singapore, as it nearly did. Let us use the reprieve that God has given us in Singapore to win and build people in Christ, as the end is drawing near.

Anyway, here are some additional resources on militant homosexuality. Check out this website here and the various e-books and tracts it contains. Do read it with an open mind, as there is no contact information, which is valid since it is indeed true that the homosexuals are vicious against their opponents. However, this also makes it hard for anyone to validate the authenticity of the site.


  1. Dear Daniel,

    Great blog! I came here from someone's blogroll which featured your site.

    How apt that this should be your latest post, as I have recently remarked on not repealing Section 377A in Singapore on my blog, and its drawing quite a lot of comments and the usual flak.

    I have read about the new UK law a few days ago and it disgusts me, yet at the same time it doesn't surprise me because, as you said, we are in the last days now and wickedness and evil shall multiply.

    God bless, and Shalom.

  2. Dear Sicarii,

    I have seen your blog. Interesting that all those who take the pro-gay stance are those who are the most hypocritical. Just who is it that seeks to impose their values on others? Who is the most bigoted? Why, if not the pro-gay activists!

    With regards to the Christian community, I am not surprised by their (non-)response. Christians (especially in Singapore) have been compromising their faith for decades, and you are now asking them to stand up and be counted? You might as well ask a camel to go through the eye of a needle! Unless God brings reformation and revival to the churches in Singapore, we are doomed. And regarding the situation in Singapore:

    For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17 -ESV)

    Do pray, weep and intercede for the Church in Singapore. The wrath of God hangs over the churches, as those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will know. This homosexual plague is sent by God to purge the churches IF they are willing to respond in repentance towards Him, otherwise they will be destroyed.

  3. I dont really have anything against gays, no one is perfect, I just cant stand it when gays and pro-gays enforce their 'morality' on everyone else

    Reading the article, I wonder how it will be enforced.. but I also believe that Christians should learn to be able to present their views against homsexuality in a manner which does not unnecessarily incite hatred or create misunderstanding.. (i.e. sometimes its unavoidable but sometimes it is avoidable)

  4. Munchy:

    Agreed. My opposition to the decriminalization of S377A is based on the fact that it serves as a barrier against the militant homosexual agenda. I don't have anything socially against homosexuals per se, but we must oppose them in every area because they are adament on imposing their morality on everybody and jailing those of us who expose their sin.

  5. Dear Daniel:

    Are churches in Singapore as 'dead' as what you say? Personally I am not too sure since I haven't been to every church, but if asked to make a comment, I'd say I do agree with you to a certain degree.

    Why are we such a silent minority? Why aren't churches preaching against and calling out what is going wrong with our society if we don't stand up against this assault?

    Is being apathetic part of the Singapore psyche so much so that we are dead in the church too?


    p.s. by the way, Daniel, I enjoy your blog quite a bit, and took the liberty of adding you to my blogroll. I hope you don't mind.

    God bless, and Shalom Aleichem.

  6. Hello Sicarii,

    of couse I don't mind the blogroll addition. =) Anyway, on the situation of the churches in Singapore, if you want a succint answer, the reasons why this is so is because of (1) unbelief, and (2) fear of Man.

    Regarding (1), I can say for sure that it would be very enlightening to find out how many of our church leaders actually believe in the various truths of Scripture. Regarding (2), let's just say that the Singapore churches have more or less succumb to the Spirit of the Age (Zeitgeist). One reason is because of a form of Erastianism (check it out yourself, I don't want to unnecessarily create attention), the second reason being that we are more interested in numbers than in quality. We are more interested in pandering to the felt needs of the crowd rather than to preach the whole counsel of God. And of course, all in the name of 'love' and 'unity'. Enough said.
