Monday, October 08, 2007

Driven Away by Purpose - Excerpt 1

I guess I should post some excerpts from my book, though I am hesitant to do so as I do not want to promote myself, just the message in the book. However, as one recent commentor has expressed interest, I think that doing so may perhaps help spread the warning message to others, and therefore I'll concede.

Anyway, here is the first excerpt, with regards to Warren's 'gospel' presentation:

Perhaps the most visible problem with Warren's PDL [Purpose Driven Life] is seen in Warren's presentation of the Gospel in the PDL. On p.58, Warren presents the Gospel so that people who have yet to receive Christ could now accept Him as their Lord and Savior. ...

The immediate problem one has when one looks at this 'Gospel' presentation is that there is no sign or mention of repentance. Sure, we are told to receive God's forgiveness for sins. However, receiving God's forgiveness for sins is NOT by itself repentance. Repentance involves acknowledging with God that we are sinful mentally and with our heart, and feel broken because of our sinfulness, thereby choosing NOT to want to sin again. I can ‘receive’ God's forgiveness without repentance, with the wrong mindset that God ought to forgive me, that is. From this passage alone, we can see that repentance is totally missing in the Gospel presentation.

(Chew, D.H., Driven Away by Purpose, 2nd Ed., published by Xulon Press, 2006, p. 23-24)


  1. Daniel,

    I also encourage you to post excerpts of your book. The time is growing more urgent!

    God bless & protect


  2. Hello Jim,

    Thanks for the encouragement. I hope it does help others.
