Saturday, September 22, 2007

Refusing to love the truth and be saved (part 2)

[continued from here]

As one looks upon the landscape of Christendom throughout history and throughout the world, various movements can be seen that manifest the idea of 'refusing to love the truth and be saved'. We will look at some of these movements today (which may overlap), particularly those which are prevelant in such a time as this.

Charismatism (Second wavers, Word-faith movement, Prosperity 'gospel' movement) and Third Wavers (Signs and Wonders movement, Neo-Apostolicism)

Chief error: No concern over truth

The most prevelant movement in the world today which manifests an attitude of 'refusing to love the truth and be saved' are the Charismatics and the Third Wave charismatics. By Charismatics, I am referring to those who are consistent charismatics and thus focus more on experiences, not to those who are symphathetic to the experiential form of Christianity promoted in Charismatism per se or those who believe in the sign-gifts like the Pentecostals (the first wavers). Such Charismatics would include people like Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer and Benny Hinn of the Word-faith movement, and people such as Creflo Dollar of the prosperity 'gospel' movement. Closer to home in Singapore, we have Kong Hee of City Harvest Church for the Word-faith and Joseph Prince of New Creation Church for the prosperity 'gospel' movement. By Third wave charismatics, I am referring to those who are in the Signs and Wonders movement found in such movements such as the 'Toronto Blessing', the 'Kansas City prophets' etc, and those who are in the New Apostolic Reformation, following the ideas of modern day apostles and prophets like C. Peter Wagner and Cindy Jacobs (not to mention Ed Silvoso) etc, regardless of whether they call themselves Charismatics or Third wavers. Third Wavers in Singapore would be people like 'Apostle' Lawrance Khong of FCBC (Faith Community Baptist Church), and 'Apostle' Naomi Dowdy of Trinity Christian Center.

Such people would constitue a large part of worldwide Christianity for sure, and that is someting we should grieve over. Such people demean the Scripture and thus demean Jesus and the entire Godhead as they refuse to examine their beliefs and experiences according to Scripture, and in fact postulating a false dichotomy between the Spirit and the Word. Professing to be wise, they became fools indeed (Rom. 1:22), and as the annals of church history shows, will leade them to grow further and further into apostasy, as the Scriptures have said they would, as a judgment of God sending upon them a strong delusion because they refuse to love the truth and obey unrighteousness (2 Thess. 9:11).

Post-modern emergents

Chief error: Denial of truth

The latest fad as found in the Emerging Church movement (ECM) is marked by a blatent hatred for truth claims, of which exclusive truth claims are the most hated of all. Now, this does not of course applies to everyone within the ECM, but to most of them who glorify ambiguity and ignorance; in other words post-foundational 'christianity'. Such people can easily be seen to refuse to love the truth, since how can you love the truth if you don't even agree that it exists in the first place? As expected, the movement is evolving further and further away from orthodoxy, now embracing open theism and inclusivism.


Chief error: Love truth for its benefits only

This is one of the primary errors of New Evangelicalism, and the most prevelant in Singapore. The truths and doctrines of the Christian faith are prized only because of their value in 'doing ministry' and 'living a Christian life', whatever those two phrases are supposed to mean. Therefore, we have bible studies conducted on topics such as how to live a Christian life in the midst of trouble, learning from Jeremiah on how to live the Christian life despite facing obstacles and depression (Latest Bible study by Eagles Cmmunications correct as of 22 Sept 2007). Nevermind the original meaning of the texts and the passages; what they desire is how we can find lessons to learn that would help ME in my condition.

Such is the mindset that is sadly prevelant within much of what calls itself Evangelicalism. The Purpse Driven Life by Rick Warren is popular because 'it works', and the issue of whether it glorifies God in massacring Scripture in the book, or whether the Gospel is properly presented, is not important at all in the sight of 'Evangelicals'. The Seeker-Sensitive enterprise by Bill Hybels of Willow Creek is similarly promoted regardless of its spiritual merit, because ... again 'it works'. Women are allowed to be elders in church because ... without doing so, the church may not have enough office bearers serving; i.e. 'it works'. In other words, the biblical truths are revealed for MY benefits, such that MY life works.

Another part of such utilitarianism is seen even in being orthodox in theology. Being orthodox in theology does not make a person or movement immune from utilitarianism. I have seen for myself churches whereby the pastor preaches the Word of God because of its benefits in so doing. Passages are expounded verses by verse, precept by precept, because they build up the people of God. Now, of course, such is a good and noble goal. However, if you proclaim the Word of God because of its good and spiritual benefits alone, you are still doing it only because 'it works', just doing it in a different and God-ordained way. Instead of doing it for the glory of God ALONE, such preaching does not honor God either. Embracing the 5 points of Calvinism, or being totally orthodox in all aspects of your theology, does not help you as long as you do so because 'it works' and not for the glory of God alone.

Utilitarianism in all its forms, even using the biblical and God-ordained methods, is a form of 'refusing to love the truth', and therefore is not pleasing to God. As can be seen in the annals of church history, Neo-Evangelicalism has been degenerating throughout the history of its existence, from its formation in the 1950s/60s to the present age. The words of God in 2 Thess. 2:10 still holds true for those who refuse to love God for God's own sake. To put it simply, if a person or people in the movement CANNOT love God and His truth even if there would be no temporal benefit on this earth to it, and no eternal benefit either (ie even if you would still go to hell despite it), but to love God and His truth because He is worthy of it based on the fact that He is God and that alone, then they are 'refusing to love the truth', and thus subjected to His judgment upon His own discretion.

(to be continued)


  1. Anonymous24/9/07 07:43

    We must seek God and walk in His word daily. The world needs Jesus. God bless you.

    Christian J.

  2. Hello Christian J.,

    thanks. May you similarly be blessed by Christ in your walk with Him.
