Friday, July 06, 2007

The 'gospel' of Inclusion

Here is a video of a former black pentecostal pastor changing his mind regarding certain issues, including his idea of sin and specifically, homosexual sin. His explanation reveals quite a lot, like his basic trivialization of sin. It is my opinion that such a low view of sin is pandemic among modern-day evangelicals, and the reason why they can find it easy to criticize things like homosexuality is less because it is sinful and an abomination to God (as it should be the case) and more because it is a safe sin to demonize. Once they know of people whom they love being homosexual, that's when their conviction will put to the test. Carlton Pearson obviously fails the test. Instead of realizing the sinfulness and depravity of all mankind, and the fact that most people who call themselves Christians in America are that in name only and are probably unregenerate, which is partly his fault for not preaching the full counsel of God, he turned the other way into heresy and call evil good and good evil (Is. 5:20). Let's pray for our leaders that they will convicted of the holiness of God against sin, and thus not fall as this leader had.

[HT: Christian Research Net]


  1. My first thought, "Another one bites the dust." Second thought, Lord have mercy on his soul- send conviction.

    To me it is just another stark reminder that we are living in the last days.

  2. Daniel

    You make a very good point in this post. People want to act as though sin is something other than a festering spiritual cancer, especially when it involves someone they love. I have often thought that the flipside of that is juat as dangerous. Some Christians seem to have no compassion for homosexuals. I think that a person involved in that lifestyle would be difficult to reach as they have nearly seared their own conscience past the point of feelling but I pray for God to make my heart tender for all of the lost sheep, regardless of the kind of sin they are involved in.

  3. hey, chum. Delete this comment, if you will... it's just a request left somewhere that I'm sure you'll see.

    I'm starting a series on predestination, but I'm linking your blog and referring the person that requested me for that topic to you, she may drop by and see. Do you have a posts on the topic already? I don't see the category in your listings. Mind putting one up? if you don't have any posts that deal specifically with the issue, nevermind. Do vet my posts and leave comments.

  4. oh yes, xanga lock isn't on, so you can leave comments without a xanga account. Do ID yourself so I know it's you though

  5. Sista Cala:

    Yes, it is. However, we can have hope in the fact that God will triumph in the end against both the devil and the world, and we with Him.


    Yes, we are avoid both extremes. As for the extreme of having no compassion for homosexuals, perhaps, at least for some, it could be similar to the case of Charlton before his 'conversion' to the other side. A sin so repulsive would definitely qualify as a good bogeyman.

  6. Hanmin:

    The posts regarding the topic of predestination will be found under the more general heading of 'Soteriology'. Regarding Xanga, I thought you were moving to Multiply? Whatever happened to that?

  7. I gave up... I'm a creature of habit, so I'm sticking for now to xanga.

    on another note, I'm running into some trouble with dealing with fatalism. wanna help? If you have insights on infantile eternity... well... ok, that sounded wrong...where infants etc go in eternity, put sth up too yeah? ... I don't have the stamina for this kind of work!

  8. Crysen:

    Try reading Ronald H. Nash's "When a Baby Dies." 0310225566

    A baptistic, albeit dispensational view is found in John MacArthur's "Safe in the Arms of God: Truth from Heaven About the Death of a Child."

