Monday, June 18, 2007

Prayer pointers for Gen12ii trip

This would be last post for quite a while, since I doubt I will have any Internet connection during my mission trip (unless I use the WiFi in Macs). Anyway, for my local Southern Cross trip, if anyone is able to, do pray for us as my team and I bring the Gospel to mainland Chinese, out of the reach of the Chinese authorities, of course. Here are the prayer pointers (edited of course so as that it could be published in public)

  • Pray that our walk with God will be consistent before, during and after this trip.
  • Ask God for all our team members to enjoy good health throughout the trip.
  • Pray for team unity, loving supportive team relationship and oneness in faith (Rom 15:5-7; I Cor 1:10)
  • Pray for humble hearts and submissive attitude before our Lord; that we will always be sensitive to His guiding and leading.
  • Pray that God would prepare our hearts to be ready to meet and co-labor with Him and others during this mission trip
  • Thank God for providing free and comfortable accommodation that is near to our point of bible distribution
  • Pray for daily smooth transport of the materials to and from our distribution point.
  • Pray for God to put a hedge of protection around us and the non-believers to guard against the enemy’s attack (Job 1:10; 2 Tim 4:18).
  • Pray for political stability in Thailand – as it will affect the number of people we could reach out to.
  • Pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the people who would be receiving the tracts and bibles, that they would be interested and curious to find out more.
  • Pray for the favor of those in charge, that they would not hinder but instead encourage them to take the packs;
  • Ask God to use each pack powerfully to bring souls into His kingdom.
  • Pray against any distraction/antagonism by people i.e. the Falun Gong cult or others, be they secular or religious.
  • Pray for good weather during the distribution.
    We are trusting God for 12,000 Gospel gift packs to be distributed in the year 2007. For us as a team, we have a faith target of 1,000 gift packs to be given to them during the duration of our trip. Pray for God to enable us to meet this faith target.

Besides the daily distribution of Gospel tracts and bibles to the mainland Chinese, we would also be ministering to some of the Chinese
1) research workers;
2) hotel staff;
3) nursing students who are currently attending an Alpha course; and
4) students who are preparing to enroll in NUS/NTU soon… during the rest of our trip.

  • Thank God for all the various ministry opportunities He has provided!
  • Pray that our Lord would go ahead of us and open the hearts of these people to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Pray for us to have adequate preparation of the Mandarin songs and skits in our outreach to them Pray for a heart of love and compassion for these Chinese friends; that we would love them and desire that they come to the saving grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37-40)
  • Pray for boldness in presenting the Gospel to them in love
  • Pray against any fears or language barriers in presenting His gospel to them.

1 comment:

  1. Aye Prayer I/C,

    Will pray for ye.

    May the Lord bless your labor, especially when none of the Reformed churches are doing this work of reaching out to foreigners within our nation.

    Yours truly,
