Saturday, May 26, 2007

Benny Hinn removing evidence (via legal force)

Seems that word-faith heretic Benny Hinn has used legal means to remove damning evidence from the web regarding his scam ministry. Oh well, at least one video is still present and could not be removed, here. See it to expose that charlatan while you still can.

[HT: Christian Research Net]


  1. Anonymous28/5/07 21:51

    thanks for ur informative link..

  2. You're very welcome =)

  3. Anonymous28/5/07 22:13

    btw, Was wondering .. How about Evangelist Reihhard Bonkke ?? Is he a hoax too ??

  4. Reinhard Bonke? I've heard quite a lot about him, and I have read somewhat about him, but I have not researched very much into him as of yet, so I would refrain from commenting if I can help it. However, from what I have seen so far, I personally wouldn't want to associate myself with him. What I do know about him at this present moment is that there are doubts regarding the validity of some of his miracles, and that he is (at least) an Arminian with Word-faith connections.

  5. Anonymous28/5/07 22:47

    What is the Arminian with Word-faith connections?

  6. I have seen at least one of Bonke's videos, so his soteriology (Doctrine of salvation) is at least Arminian. He is close friends with people in the Word-faith circuit i.e. Kenneth Copeland etc., though I don't know for sure whether he subscribe to that kind of heresy. One thing is for sure: he does not think that these people are sufficiently in error to be rebuked for their sins.
