Friday, September 29, 2006

More book reviews and book comparisons...

I have managed to finish book reviews of all the major books on the Purpose Driven paradigm. They are here as follows:

Redefining Christianity: Understanding the Purpose Driven movement by Bob DeWaay

Who's Driving the Purpose Driven Church? A Documentary on the Teachings of Rick Warren by James Sundquist

(E-book available as PDF here) In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity by Tamara Hartzell

Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church by Warren Smith

And here is a chart comparing the different books written so far on the Purpose Driven movement:

Criteria\ BooksRedefining ChristianityWho's Driving the Purpose Driven Church?In the Name of PurposeDeceived on PurposeDriven Away by Purpose
Author:Bob DeWaayJames SundquistTamara HartzellWarren SmithDaniel Chew
Scholarship:107 68Obviously, I don't rate my own book!
Information content: 10987
Spiritual content: 1087+9
Overall rating: 10878+
  • Exposes transformation of Christianity and the redefinition of the Church in the Purpose Driven Movement
  • Emphasize the importance of doctrine
  • Exposes dangers of psychology, especially those promoted in the Purpose Driven paradigm
  • Exposes the ecumenical, interfaith compromise which is infecting the churches through the Purpose Driven movement
  • Exposes the New Age teachings and tendencies in the PDL and the Purpose Driven Movement
  • Expose misusage, misquotation and usage of mistranslations of the Bible
  • Expose alteration of the Gospel in the Purpose Driven preaching
  • Expose Warren's Arminianism and thus the Arminianism present in the Purpose Driven movement
  • Expose the practical compromise in e.g. the irreverence towards God found in the Purpose Driven Movement due to their Armininism
  • Expose various other compromises in the Purpose Driven movement, including their unbiblical view of unity
  • Refutation of Abanes' Apology for Rick Warren and the Purpose Driven movement.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Eh... some of the major weakness that I have found out are mentioned in their respective book reviews. Of course, in the case of my book, you have to wait and read it; coz obviously if I found any problems in the book, I would have rectified it. The only 'weakness' that I can think of is that some people especially new belivers may have difficulties understanding the words and concepts I use.

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  4. Eh... Christians in general; more specifically Christians who care about the Church, not exactly nominal Christians.

    Anyway, the current ebook version has quite a few grammatical errors in it. I may be uploading the 2nd Ed., which contain a few other changes also, after my book has been published, of course.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. ' can almost guarantee you that nominal Christians will read the Purpose Driven Life and not your book'

    Well, I sortof expect that. But then for those who are truly receptive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, He will tell them that there is something wrong with the whole movement. Perhaps they may not be able to pinpoint the problems, and that's my target audience; to facilitate their identifications of the problems in it. They may not be Reformed, but I trust that God's Word will work in and through the verses they read in the book to convict them of the truths of the Faith.

    Anyway, my first objective when writing the book was never much to gain an audience so much as to glorify God in the defending of His truth from the massacre caused by the PDL. Through my usage of Scripture, my ultimate aim is to create a foolproof argument against the PD paradigm, such that hopfully no one would be able to find legitimate fault with my demolition of the PD paradigm through my quotation of Scripture.

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  8. Hello Jenson,

    1) Not exactly. I have asked some people to read my manuscript (the one meant for publishing). I do not think that they read it critically, though (at least) one of those who read it was a neutral party. Also, I did ask Pastor Bob DeWaay for comments also. That's about all.

    2) As for references, I have tried to make less use of the Internet in my 2nd Ed. However, even though I referenced the Internet, it should be rather OK, since I do have QC guidelines on the references I use [i.e. not every site which looks good would be referenced]. All websites that I referenced in my book are considered to have some reputable standing. As for the 'bibliography', actually it is not a bibliography in the sense, just some recommanded resources for people who are interested. In fact, almost all of them can be removed without affecting the overall thrust of my book.

    3) Well, sort of hard to find people from that camp who would even bother to READ my book; nevermind review it. My experience so far has been mostly pure ad-hominem attacks and pragmatical skubalon arguments from that group (e.g. 'look how many are being impacted by the PDL' ad nauseum). Once they know that this book is written against their idol, they would throw it out immediately without even giving it the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, if you are interested, I had engaged in a sortof informal, somewhat heated exchange with some people on regarding the PDL before I start writing my book (I was still in London then :P), so I do know so far that they don't have an answer to the objections which I have raised, besides the usual 'Rick Warren i.e. preaches repentance elsewhere'. When you examine their claims, however, such preaching is to Christians [and even then it is weak, if at all], while he soft-pedals the Gospel to non-Christians. Forked tongued compromiser!

    Oh ya, just to add, I have given one copy of this first edition to the director of Campus Crusade Asia - Mass Media Ltd to call on him to stop promoting the 40 Days of Purpose campaign and repent of his compromise. No prizes for guessing his [non]response.

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  10. Jeson,

    1) Haha...
    I wouldn't be surprised if you have found typo errors in it. This is the 1st Edition, and since then I have make a couple of changes. In fact, I have found quite a few typos myself, plus grammatical and syntax errors to top it up. Errors of expression are also a bit too many for my confort, and I to think that I though I had it all covered at that time when I uploaded the e-book! Oh well. Anyway, I have submitted the updated manuscript (NOT the one you are reading now) to Xulon Press already for publication, after proof reading by myself and a friend of my mother whose English is quite good too.

    If you really want to, I don't mind sending you a copy of the submitted manuscript, though it is NOT for distribution, at least not until my book has been officially published. Eh, as for others like Rev. Dr. Jack Sin, well... perhaps for now maybe not yet, though you can always inform him of the various books on the subject, especially the book by Pastor Bob DeWaay. =P

    2) I have checked those that I can. They are fine. The book sources that I have used are mainly the Bible, the PDL, Abanes' counter-apologetic book for Warren, the Three forms of Unity by the PRCA & Warren Smith's Deceived on Purpose. The rest are websites. However, websites like is definitely reputable. and Pyromanic are reliable sources also. And online secular newspaper websites are definitely reliable (like e.g. the Wall Street Journal Online). The rest like Slice of Laodicea I have interacted with Rev. Ken Silva, one of the contributors, via email before so I know it is reliable. And the people of Slice of Laodicea recommands and knows the operators of Lighthouse Trails Research personally so they are all reliable. Hmmm..... have I missed out on anyone significant?

    3) I agree with you that it would be good. Unfortunately, no pro-Warren fan in Singapore wants to do a review of my book; you can't even get them to write a coherent negative review for that matter, unless by negative review you mean one word reviews like 'Arrogant, Unchristlike, mean-spirited etc'... =P

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  12. Hi Jenson,

    (Sorry Daniel, I know this may be a digression...)

    I surely ... surely wouldn't mind to have you and your wife "heavily" criticize and "proof-read" my project. Of course, when it is done. :))

    My wife is a General Paper/Literature lecturer in a JC, so I would torture her with this task too.

    I am wondering who would critique my critique of Bible Presbyterianism? Rev Jack Sin? I think he wouldn't. Ha ha!

    But who would jeopardize their relations with the BPs in order to critique my book? Probably someone from Singapore Bible College.

    Jenson, any suggestions?

  13. Hello Jenson,

    Wow... you really did look through the books I cited; or did you just do data-mining? =P

    For the books that you have asked:

    Peter Y. DeJong, Crisis in the Reformed Churches: Essays in Commemoration of the Great Synod of Dordt, 1618-1619 (1968)
    Ans: NO, It was quoted in my books as 'quoted from', i.e. secondary source

    Revival and Revivalism: The making and marring of American Evangelicalism 1750 – 1858, by Iain H. Murray (1994)
    Ans: NO, I was going to read it; but then I gave my copy away to a friend who I think needed it more. (Trying to get her out of my former church) Will be getting my new copy soon, but I have read reviews of it, and have heard it quoted often in other articles and books that I read.

    Norman Geisler's Chosen But Free
    Ans: NO, information about the book gotten from quotes by James White in his book stated below

    James R. White, The Potter's Freedom
    Ans: YES, good book defending the doctrine of grace. I think you can get this from Met Tab's bookstore?

    Dave Hunt & James R. White, Debating Calvinism: Five points, Two views.
    Ans: YES

    Oh yes, you forget this:
    (DVD) Amazing Grace: The history and theology of Calvinism.
    Ans: YES, I have it. In fact, some of the quotes overlap a bit of the ones that I secondarily quoted from the book by DeJong.

    'I do not own any of them, so maybe can you tell me what did you think of them, in the context of your thesis'

    They are used as reference material to support some of my points.

    'Concerning your Appendix 1 on Soteriology, I noticed a lack of reference to Reformed materials. I am not sure how accessible Reformed books are in Singapore, but perhaps you could invest in some good Reformed books.'

    You can return to Singapore to check the situation out? Seriously, there are very few bookstores that sell Reformed books in Singapore. Most of those who do are small shops linked to or are run by Reformed and BP churches. SKS is the only mainstream evangelical bookstore to sell some Reformed materials, but due to the general lack of interest in Reformed books, you need to place an order in advance, unless they happen to have some of that particular book in stock (which occur only after someone has ordered copies of that book before you). For the Reformed bookstores, they also buy in bulk quantity and thus they may run out of stock, which happen before when I ordered books through etulip (online bookstore of the ERCS).

    Anyway, if I really wanted to referenced Reformed material, I do have some books to reference. I own Robert Reymond's A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (which IS sold in Met Tab bookshop), and some book which is entitled 'the 5 points of Calvinism defended' or something like that. The reason why I did not reference many Reformed materials is because I think that we should be able to present the doctrines of grace directly from the Bible without quoting any Reformed theologians so as not to put people off by giving them the wrong impression that Reformed soteriology is not based on the Scriptures alone. In fact, this is one of the things I hope Reformed folks could do so as to win those who are in error over to the Truth, instead of constantly bombarding them with profound stuff, quotes by 'so-and-so' etc which just plain confuses them.

    '"apuritansmind" is not a good website for materials. Reputable - yes, Good - no.'

    Doe the fact that the writer was a former Reformed Baptist who now strongly rejects Baptist doctrine as a serious doctrinal error somehow influences your view? Or is there something else?

    'As for "Pyromaniacs", use them sparingly. Again, they are reformed. But their hermaneutics are dispensational, one needs to be well trained to know the difference.'

    Hmm, ya. However, my quotation from Phil Johnson's blog in my book is only with regards to his clarification of MacArthur's statement on the PD movement which the mainstream media (MSM) has massacred, and which Abanes has tried to use to discredit MacArthur's biblical concern over the movement. So, it was not some doctrinal issue, but of Abanes bearing false witness against Pastor MacArthur.

    Oh ya, incidentally, I do know Dr. Masters has invited Phil Johnson to preach at Met Tab a couple of times (more than once in the 6 months I attended). So, what are your views on Dr. Masters allowing a dispensationalist to preach from Met Tab's pulpit?

    I will answer the rest in another post later.

  14. Haha...

    Vincent, you could try asking Pastor Lau to help you? Or how about asking Kyle? haha (jk) =P

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  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Around 6 months, actually less than that, since I was away for 3 weeks during the Easter hols with my friends to tour some parts of Europe, and left sometime during mid-to-late May for another tour of Europe. Beside that, yes, I was always there. I joined the Chinese lunch table intially, then Jonathan invited me to join his table, which was catered for some of the students. By the way, say hi to him for me if you meet him.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Yes, it is Jonathan Mitchell. I am indebted to him for his kindness and hospitality to me in the few months that I was there.

    No, I was not helping out. I mean, I was there as a short-term visitor =P

    As for the books, I bought quite a lot of books there. I agree with you on the availability of good books in the UK, and I felt then that I was like having a good feast. Unfortunately, I could not buy too many books, coz of financial constraints but more importantly, luggage constraint. My luggage was sortof overweight when I returned back to Singapore, partly due to the number of books I bought (and I had a student check-in luggage allowance of 30kg! My check-in luggage was ard 30kg, but my hand carry luggage was abt 20+kg)
