Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fuller 'seminary' has really diversified!

Well, the latest news from the neo-liberal Fuller (theological) seminary, the flagship of Neo-Evangelicalism of former years, is that the rainbow flag is now welcome to be flown there. Homosexuality is now allowed to be practiced validly for Christians, albeit after lots of 'qualifications' which include the need for these homosexuals to be 'monogamous' (of course!). Somehow, those rebels who call themselves the teachers of God's Word think that there can play semantics with God, by saying that homosexuality is a sin whereas 'couples' who engage in homosexuality are to be affirmed while they 'seek God's ideal for their lives'. Well, they can play all the word games they want, but they won't fool God, and they will be punished for their sins of approving the Sodomite abomination to be practised in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.

[HT: Slice of Laodicea]


  1. Amazing how these people twist the sovereign Word of the Lord.

    I guess the homosexuality movement could have been egged on by the permission of the existance of female preachers and reverends and those (female) of authority, which was the compromise at the first level? of course, the false male preachers and reverends are equally at fault too.

    This is a preliminary suspicion but i need further proof to affirm this. But i believe that it started with this tiny twist of scripture.

    What do you think? I see a link as mentioned below:

    When women take the authority, men become submissive and passive. This is a perfect breeding ground as in (male) homosexuality, one has to act the submissive female. Another thing, is that a homosexual does not need to handle a woman and exert authority [no family structure] and fits the passive effeminate male exactly.

    In addition, by allowing female authority, they compromise scripture. It is only a matter of time before they compromise on the point of homosexuality

    Hence its a by-product of an effeminate church - effeminate men who are homosexual.

    What do you think about this brother?


  2. That is what some people have said. And it is indeed a logical progression from the embracing of the feminist movement to endorsing the homosexual movement. You can look at the council of biblical manhood and womanhood at for more information, perhaps.

  3. The Feminist says:

    God made Man. He looked at Man, and said to Himself, “I can do better.” Then He made the woman.

    The Homophile says:

    God made Man. Then He made the Woman. But after eating the apple from the tree, the snake bit the Man and made him mad. Man now wants to be a Woman, and the Woman wants to rule the Man. Man says, “If I can’t look like her, I might as well think like her.”

    The Fullerian says:

    God made matter. Matter exploded, and evolved to Man and Woman. God looked at the Man and Woman, and He said, “It is not good for genes to stay this way.” Evolution took over, and made Gay genes. And now, three is not a crowd. All because Fuller Seminary says so.
